Monday, October 14, 2019

Week 71: gummy bears

this week i really really needed some gummy bears.... and so i went to the gas station and got some and when i was checking out the guy looked at my name tag and said "wow for a second i thought you thought you were Jesus" and i said "well im his representative?? its almost as cool as jesus??" Him: "that it'll be $2.34." so in a matter of days it went from 90s to the 40s so i busted out the sweaters and the weather has been just perfect ever since ... ps im so blessed i dont have to live through another midwest winter that was actually horrendous and scarred me for life #sunshinetypeofgal #butnothumidsunshine #idontlikesweatingprofusely. so we had this really amazing lesson with Adrian and his brother Wood!!!! Wood just was at his house and so he decided to join us. we planned on teaching the plan of salvation really focusing on the Atonement of Jesus Christ and how that can help us in our lives, and that is what we taught and it was amazing..if i do say so myself... and i do. sister west and I just teach so well together and it was just a real lesson (no robots here) and we were able to joke around and then get serious and talk about the gospel with them. at one point a gust of wind came and blew all my cute plan of salvation cutouts into this huge lake/puddle that was behind us from all the rain.. but nonetheless Adrian and Wood loved it and it was so cool because they both have some rough backgrounds but as we testified that they will have a second chance because of Jesus Christ you could just tell how much it comforted them. we gave Wood a book of Mormon and he said "ill read this. i need a new author". what better author than Prophets speaking the word of God??? anywho hope this made sense once again its hard to put my spiritual experiences into email... so i guess you can hear them more in depth when i come home. we had a lesson with jayden, it was fabulous... jk it kinda was a foreshadow as my life as a teacher... we were basically just telling 2 nine year olds to sit down be quiet and to listen ahhh gotta love it. but they are so cute and i love teaching them. i sat next to wyatt, jaydens little brother, and multi tasked while i taught i helped him spell words #futureteacher. by the way read "do things that make a difference" it is in the june 1983 ensign by elder ballard. my favorite part talks about worrying it says "A lot of people worry about things they shouldn’t worry about. Our usual worries can be classified into these categories: (1) 40 percent never happen, (2) 30 percent are over and past and can’t be changed, (3) 12 percent are needless health worries, (4) 10 percent are miscellaneous problems, (5) 8 percent are real problems, of which 95 percent can be solved." Trust god & dont worry about the unnecessary... im trying to take my own advice too lol but READ IT :))))) lots of love, sis folk

Pics: 1. Jayden and wyatt !!! 2. Adrian and wood holding a book from a new author ;))
3. Bri moved :(((  4. The bears on the MO flag do the pee pee dance and so does the angel in this bird bath. Missouri needs more bathrooms

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