Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Week 69: happy fall y'all

Well its been one amazing week my friends. Sister van amen, my baby that i trained in springfield, is now all grown up and in my district so i get to see her and its the BEST thing thats ever happened to me. Contrary to popular belief and my email title, its not actually fall here and its still 90 DEGREES AND HUMID AS CAN BE !! but if i pretend its fall them maybe fall will come. I love halloween. i cant wait for this spooky season to begin! UPDATES: scottie had to cancel :( RIP Jayden: he is so awesome and still the cutest ahah he is so prepared for baptism and is just invested in everything we teach him. this week he taught us all about the 3 kingdoms of glory. it was amazing. i love teaching kids the gospel !!!!!! we were talking about the 3 kingdoms and grant, jayden's friend, says "wait if its all holly jolly will there be black" ah love young minds. we had some success tracting this week actually... we were going down this one street but it was way to sunny and so we said okay lets actually go back and go down the other street so we dont have to be blinded. and then DOOR after DOOR people just kept saying yes and actually told us to come back. the Lord works in mysterious ways , like blinding you with the sun to make sure you go down the right street. another great quote from a young mind: talked to a cute girl at church yesterday and she was eating a pop tart and i said "that looks good" and she says "today was my first time fasting, i almost starved to death". me too girl, me too. anyways i love you all as always,
peace and blessings, send some cold weather my way, never thought i would ask for that rip
Love Sis folk

Pics: 1. Sweaty =)  2. Just pondering..... waiting for time to pass as i weed the yard  3. My bffs
4. Gotcha 5. Made cactus ring holder at potter paint shop a member owns 6. Sis west+ice cream

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