Monday, October 21, 2019

Week 72: A witness aka me

You know the feeling when you only have like 55ish days left on your mission and it kinda hits you like a truck so you just have a rough week and sometimes you just sit criss cross apple sauce in the living room and cry to your companion because you love your mission but you are also really tired? ------- i do. You may be really concerned for me right now or you may not care, either way dont worry i still found joy in the journey im (sister) ANNA FOLKMAN for pete's sake, a good time is my middle name. Heres a ReCaP : We went on two exchanges this week! My first one was with sis jenkins, it was probably one of the weirdest exchanges ever. We first ran into jehovahs witnesses trying to share their message in the same neighborhood we were trying to share our message.... RuDe, so we left that neighborhood because i wasnt about to be mistaken for them. Then some other weird/spooky things happened but luckily sis jenkins is chill so we just smiled and waved at every weird encounter. Then i was with Sister Clark and we had a FUN day ! I was back in the columbia area pt. 34 and shes a talker and so am I so we had some good convos. we taught some solid lessons, one to their friend William who is deaf and is getting baptized this Saturday (request for my gurl anne bum to get transferred to missouri so we can use her ASL skills). We had a lesson with Adrian and he is still the most elect person ever. He was able to teach us the whole restoration and usually no one can ever do that because it just goes over their head. He has such a desire to do good and i feel so blessed that Heavenly Father placed us in his path. Being an instrument in the Lord's hands and being able to see these miracles and testifying of my Savior has changed my life and how i will live it forever. Adrian also came to a baptism that the YSA elders had and we asked him how he felt and he said "when she got baptized it felt like i was getting baptized". but heres a PLOT twist, so she got baptized and the whole baptism was over and we are all chatting and the elders that were the witnesses realized that he used the wrong hand when he baptized her so we had to do a re-do.... and the elders said "here you sisters be the witnesses this time you wont mess up". so we got to and it was SO cool!!!! Continuing revelation guys!!!!! I said yep that looks right to me! Adrian stayed for the second baptism he said "i kinda want to watch again" wow what a guy! A tender mercy that happened less than an hour ago! We were standing in line at walmart to print off some pics and a guy comes up and asks us how long we have both been out and we talked for a minute and then he walks away and comes back with $40 and says "i saw this fall out of your pocket" and we said are you sure?? And he said "ya i watched it fall out". This man just gave us $40 because he new we were missionaries and i dont know him and ill probably wont see him ever again but holy wow he just made our day it was such a little act but big thing to us !!! Anyways isnt that just the neatest thing? Over and out, Sis folk

Pics: 1. During the middle of our lesson elaine just whipped out her phone and said "you guys look so cute i have to take a picture" 2. MO skies 3. Pizza is delicious 4. A selfie of myse

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