Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Week 68: srry its boring this week

well transfers have come and i am staying in columbia with sis west !!! my first companion for 2 transfers besides training. i am so pumped. by the end of this transfer i will have spent 10 1/2 combined months in the glorious city of Columbia. i am one lucky duck. i love this place!!! well let me begin: something so amazing that our mission has been doing is praying all together at 6:30. all the missionaries and all the members that are awake, pray for us to be able to find the elect, the people that are searching for peace in their lives. sister west and i have seen the blessings and miracles come from this!!!! we pulled into this neighborhood, and saw a man standing there. we felt like we needed to go talk to him so we parked and got out to go talk to him. we bore our testimonies of the book of mormon. it was just one of those moments i want to bottle up and save forever - being able to walk up to total strangers and be like hey this book changed my life. anyway his name is adrian and we came back and taught him the restoration and he was so invested and it was amazing. he just kept telling us that he knows he was suppose to meet us and he wants direction and peace in his life. he literally is the elect. i love this work more than anything.  we also got a referral for this super prepared just so amazing family. she is a single mom with a 18 and 6 year old and they were so invested in our message and then came to church and loved it. they are just seeking direction and want to have peace. sadly they are not in our area. :( but it has been so amazing to just see the Lord lead us to people who actually want to listen to us and aren't just being nice and letting us come over cuz they feel bad for us lol. that angels are literally preparing hearts in columbia missouri and the Lord is so willing to lead us to them. the gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives and its so amazing to watch it change mine and the people's i am able to teach. Heres a good chuckle. We made a questions of the soul poster board to try a new finding tactic and set up on a corner downtown like a real missionary. It was such a fail but it was a fun adventure to see different ways of how people can reject you. My favorite was when a lady saw us and put on a huge smile and i asked her if she would be interested and she kept on smiling and walked right on by. What a savage. It was a wonderful time. No one can kill my joy and confidence in the gospel! Love you all, Sis folk

Pics: 1. Marcia from Columbia! 2. Animals that arent sleeping!!! 3. Scottie and courtney :))
4. Food bank crew 5. Our fail poster board 6-11. pday with Sisters and Bri!/Mizzou

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