Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Week 66: Less than 100 daiz

Well here i am trying to write another group email... only like 14 left! We had MLC this past tuesday, then exchanges, then gave 6 hours of trainings wahoo- it felt like groundhog day, and then we had president interviews and ALSO we volunteered at the football this saturday (im one lucky duck that got to do it two years in a row). anywho not that any of you care about my business but oddly if you did here was an explanation! here are some highlights:
MLC: President Bell talked to us how about everything, every principle we teach is related back to the Atonement of Jesus Christ. It all goes back to Christ because that is where our strength comes from. Baptism for the remission of sins is not possible without our Savior. I cannot explain how grateful i am for the testimony i have gained of the Atonement of Christ.
EXCHANGES: Sister Greer and I had an amazing lesson with Tiffany! She is a mom that i have talked about (i think?) She was the first door we knocked on and she is so prepared. We shared the restoration and not going to lie it was a little rough but the moment we recited the first vision the spirit was so strong and tiffany just looked at us and said "wow". i love sharing the first vision because every time my testimony of Joseph Smith is strengthened so much. We are going to go teach her and her kids on thursday! INTERVIEWS: i had a wonderful interview with President Bell and i just love how much he cares and shows it to us. He also needed some lunch-- so i had gotten him Wendy's before so i said "i know your order president dont worry" -- so he went into another interview with the missionary-- but then i said oh no i forgot what sauce he wants so i barged into the interview and said "wait president what kind of sauce do you want with your chicken nuggets?" That was the highlight of my week. If you dont buy wendys for your mission president you are doing it wrong. Here is a good quick laugh: We were walking around at like 8ish one night and we saw this man and he was VERY under the influence and sister west goes "im sister west" and he goes "AND IM DOUG EAST" and throws his fists up in the air rejoicing. Ahh what a good life being a missionary.

Pics: 1. Bobs haircut round 2-- sister west turn now 2. I love missouri!!! 3. Look at the tiger flute player 4. Football gammeeee 5. St louis....... wahooo..... ! 6. Sis hoggan and I love her one day we will be comps even tho she goes home next transfer :( 

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