Monday, September 2, 2019

Week 65: Please bless the Holy Ghost to be a grateful man & Elaine's BAPTISM :))

THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST HAS BEEN RESTORED. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints truly is Christ's Church on the earth today!!! I love having my testimony strengthened day after day! 15 months and im still loving this mission thing ! Crazy! Wow! 15 months! we had a lesson with a Man from Mexico who speaks 0% english. Sis. Heuston found him on exchanges a few weeks back..... so via google translate we finally set up a time to meet over text. We brought a member to translate and once again i felt like a ***useless potato (at least i looked good). i dont know how we keep stumbling upon people who dont speak english but that is why i was called on an english speaking mission because i was confuzzled. 
ELAINES BAPTISM: SPECIALIST MOMENT EVER. such a spiritual day and i am so blessed to be able to see this sweet woman become clean and follow her Savior. She has changed me and strengthened my testimony more than she will ever know. She had the most tender smile after she came out of the water, i dont know how to explain it, it was like pure relief. We got a text from her last night that said" "I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Smithton Ridge Ward." (I'm practicing😁) " if that isnt the most precious thing i dont know what is.
Had an amazing lesson with them!! Talk all about the Book of Mormon and that this is the ONLY way they will know if what we teach them is true. They are both accepted a new date to be baptized on October 12th !!!! Scottie is literally the coolest human and i love teaching him. Whelp here is a funny quote from a prayer of a cute 4 year old "Please bless the holy ghost can be a grateful man and that jesus will be in the sky and we can have plants and our own beds". All i know is that this boy had it figured out. We can learn much from the youth of the church ;-))
-I love you all
-missouri still makes me sweaty
-happy labor day
-the mosquitos love me
-send me tips on what to do with DRY SKIN and INGROWN FINGERNAILS

Sorrt pics overload 1. Classic pic with Bob our BFF 2. Bri - our lifesaver this week, well every week 3. Olive garden date after a baptism w my cute comp 4. Elaine <3 5. Dab nation #fontfillers 6. I love sis west 7. The gang lolz

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