Monday, August 26, 2019

Week 64: eggs and miracle whip

another week of miracle whipping. Sister West and I have seen so many miracles and Heavenly Father has taught us so much!!!! i am on a spiritual high from this week for sure kids. we just learned how much of a plan our Father in heaven has for each one of us. we may not understand why things happen to certain people or even why we have it so easy compared to others trials. but that in fact that does not matter, our trials are uniquely and individually our own. it doesnt matter the size or complexity, we simply have them to become more like our heavenly father needs us too. and in almost every lesson this week with members or non members this topic came up. the holy ghost continued over and over again to testify and to tell us that He has a plan! For everyone of his children and that it is so individual. if you missed my facebook post yesterday.... here it is.
"What could be more joyful than to share the truths of eternity with God's children?" -Dallin H. Oaks. What a true statement! Sister West and I have been so amazed this week of the miracles Heavenly Father has allowed us to see. We know he has a plan for each one of his children. He knows us individually. He puts us in situations that will help us become as he is, learn, and understand His plan for us. Sharing the truths of the Plan of Salvation puts a big smile on our faces! "We see ourselves in terms of yesterday and today. Our Heavenly Father sees us in terms of forever. Although we might settle for less, Heavenly Father won’t, for He sees us as the glorious beings we are capable of becoming. The gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of transformation. It takes us as men and women of the earth and refines us into men and women for the eternities." -Joseph B. Wirthlin
updates on some people i love !!!! 

Elaine !!!!! getting baptized THIS saturday. she is so excited and told us nothing is getting in the way of her baptism. 
Scottie..... canceled ;( we have a lesson tomorrow so please keep him in your prayers.
Jayden (the 9 year old we started teaching idk if i ever mentioned him) .... but he is now on date to be baptized October 5th. He was so stinkin cute and was telling his dad who is a member that he is ready. he knows he is ready. it was precious. he reads the childrens book of mormon on the ipad. technology is being used for righteousness and i love it.
Emile and Jen!!!! came to church again and Emile is on date to be baptized October 12th!!!! he said "i wanted to be baptized sometime next year but right now feels right" ahhh we hope to invite Jen to be baptized this week.
we've have been talking a lot at MLC and zone conference about the elect. that Heavenly Father knows where each prepared soul is in each of our areas. and ever since i heard this it just struck something in me and i was determined to find them and follow the spirit ! so, when sister west and i went finding this week we knocked on 2 doors. at the first 2 doors people didnt reject us. they accepted our BOM and told us to come back. now for those of you not familiar this never happens !!!! ever!!!! it was so amazing!!!! as you can see im just ecstatic and Heavenly Father taught me so much this week about listening to his spirit and seeking his direction in his work because sometimes sister folkman will just go out and knock a whole street just to do it and thats not the way to find the souls that are searching for truth. Oh also on this day we ran into a lemonade, fresh fruit (baking in the sun), and pickle stand. We definitely hit them up. Cute kids 4 sure. in our zone chat this week and elder sent in a video and said "be bold, be positive" i couldnt agree more young man. (because i also realized this week that the new missionaries coming out are about 3 years younger than me yikes).i had a really great spiritual thought that i had actually put a lot of work of work into for this email but im so silly and left it at home!!!! ill send it next week i suppose. us and the zone leaders have been trying to pump up the zone to continue to invite people to be baptized, one elder likes protein a lottttt and had shown us a video of him drinking raw eggs so we said what if you drink an egg for every invite. the zone chat was poppin... but then sister west and i got called out... so we did it.. except i threw the egg up but sis west a champ and swallowed it. ill attach pictures. see ya later, sis folk
Ps sorry this is all over the place you know me
Pps dont drink raw eggs its disgusting 

Pics:  1. Gross 2. Zone conf :)) 3. Sis shaff <3  4. Precious children and an awkward adult ?

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