Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Week 62: new transfer new me

Hello wonderful human beings in UT and other lesser states! Its me, Mario! Jk i mean sister folkman. (Sorry bad joke) Its been an amazing week here in COMO, the work is literally on fire. Here are some updates: ELAINE: still as amazing as ever, came to church again and PAID her tithing. She is a woman of so much faith and is patiently awaiting her baptism on the 31st. SCOTTIE: had a couple of lessons with him this week and he is so cool! He is praying about being baptized on sept. 14. Please keep him in your prayers. We have a lesson tonight im so excited!! My favorite moment of the week !! (hang on its a long one). A couple weeks ago we got a bible request from a 16 year old boy who moved here from africa in November. I dont remember if I had talked about him before but his mom and older sister dont speak english they speak kinyarwanda. And you guys wont believe this, a member of our ward speaks kinyarwanda!!!! Out of the many many african dialects she speaks the same one!!!! God's hand is in the little amazing things! So we brought her to a lesson with the whole family and they are amazing! The spirit was so strong and sister Ruminyika (the member) and although i didnt understand anything at all the spirit was so strong and i knew she was speaking truth! It was such an amazing experience and i cant explain how cool it was over text! So ya im teaching the sweetest african family who say they are blessed to just have our feet stand in their home. I dont know how its going to work out but they sure are prepared for the gospel!!! Oh also sister heuston is getting transferred and im getting another new comp per usual. MORONI 7:33 --- my new life motto. With Christ anything is possible. Well peace out GTG. Love you all. Sis folk

Pics: 1.exchanges w sis johnson 2. Food bank fun

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