Monday, August 19, 2019

Week 63: i ate frog legs :o

Hello fans! this week made me feel like i was preparing to be a mom. i learned from the best and i had to-do list all over the apartment and sticky notes stuck to the back of my phone. MIRACLES of the WEEK: SCOTTIE: he finally accepted the date of Sept. 14th and he said it was highly subject to change but i am determined to help him make that date because this man is prepared and i know we played basketball ball with them for a reason :') ELAINE: we had a little celebration for her and some RS sisters came and she made new friends and just is so excited to get baptized and we finished teaching her all the lessons she is on track for the 31st wahoooo!!!!! she also wants to go to the temple to do baptisms!! FUN FACT: I ate frog leg this week, it was decent.... a little chewy but i love serving an exotic mission! My new companion is sister west and we served in the same district in springfield so you could say i was pretty ecstatic to be her companion! we have been partying for 5 days now its been wonderful. she is da bomb. idk what else to say .... idk school is back in business and the college kids are overpopulating the town... sometimes i close my eyes and imagine im in st. george, taking over that city. its great. a quick spiritual thought: "Even in decisions we think very important, we sometimes receive no answer to our prayers. This does not mean that our prayers have not been heard. It means only that we have prayed about a decision that, for one reason or another, we should make without guidance by revelation. Perhaps we have asked for guidance in choosing between alternatives that are equally acceptable or equally unacceptable." well thats all from me. signing off, sis folk

pics !!!!!! 1. sis van amen !!!!! ugly pic tho oh well 2. sis west and some frog legs
3-4. random fotos

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