Monday, October 29, 2018

Week 21: squirrels r powerful

hey fanz, its me again ... ur local sister missionary. Well semi-local.. only a couple states away... here are some updates
•MIKE: so idk if i have told you guys how much mike loves squirrels before but he LOVES them. He feeds them everyday at 2:00 and has been doing it for 15 years. I started writing down his quotes about squirrels so ask me in a quick 13ish months and ill read them all to you. BUT anyways sis jones decided we needed to teach to his needs and what he loved. Isnt it awesome that Heavenly Father knows us each individually and cares about the desires of our hearts. I just LOVE that even talking about a squirrel i was able to feel Heavenly Fathers love for Mike. Pretty legit. Keep yall posted about it.
•i finished the BofM, LOVE THAT BOOK. go read it RN. serious drop what ur doing and read a verse. LOVE YALL LOTS. <3 SIS FOLK :))

PIKS: 1. happy halloweenie round two 2. Halloween Trick or Treating downtown. Perfect for street contacting. A pic of us sharing the gospel with a dino cuz no one else would listen 3-5.THE BOOK OF MORMON PICS: a series of unfortunate events...**me street contacting**..."Hey i have this book... ever heard of it?..... its really good...... you can have it.... oh your not interested? ...... ok bye". 6. Dinner at members house 7-8. a really pretty lake like wow for a second i didnt think i was in Missouri

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