Monday, November 5, 2018

Week 22: she had fallen & couldn't get up

GOOOOOD MORNING. Or whatever time it is wherever you may be. this week was FLIPPING GOOD. but sorry a shortish one this week again bc sisters pday :P HALLOWEEN:
•we were knocking on some doors and it was about 4 (so obviously way to early to be trick or treating) and this guys opens and says "Oh trick or treaters!!" And then grabs a hand full of candy and then then we say no actually we are missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and he goes "oh" and THEN CLOSES THE DOOR. But thats not even bad, used to that, the worst part is that he didnt even give us any candy.. what a ripoff amirght???
So we are walking up the street trying to decide if we should stop knocking on doors or not and we come across a old lady laying in her grass. She was so skinny and frail. And like my title said had fallen and couldnt get up. And it was cold and windy AND she was like in pain and it was a scary moment. But her husband (who walks approximately 2 steps a minute) called life alert. Anyways cool part of the story we said a prayer with her, as i was praying i truly was overcome with this power and love for her and it was undesirable. I just felt the love flow through me into her body warming her up. The ambulance came and got her all back inside. i think shes okay now.. so pretty sure me and sis jones saved a life this halloween. ZONE CONFERENCE: spiritual thought of the week: 1 Nephi 17:41- all they had to do was look and they would be saved, but because of the simpleness they perished. easiness is fatal. we need the hard times because we need our Savior. When we are going through hard times its when we can experience true joy and we truly understand how to rely on Christ. (Srry my mission president says it a lot better, maybe come join a zone conf to get what im sayin). quick updates:
•met some way cool potentials this week
•daylight savings is a BLESSING
•i love being a missionary and i love being apart of this marvelous work!!!!!! happiness truly comes when you are serving and truly caring for others.
CHALLENGE: if u chose to accept--serve someone everyday this week and see the difference. :)))) i know it will make you happier and i can promise you will grow closer to your Savior by serving others.

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