Monday, November 19, 2018

Week 24: gobble til u wobble

BUCKLE UP BECUZ YOU ARE IN FOR A GOOD EMAIL. or so i thought until i started writing it. But hey its coming from me sooooooo its always good ;-)  KERRI- YALL REMEMBER HER??? well shes not in jail or didnt go to jail IDK but it doesnt matter because Heavenly Father let us cross paths with her outta the blue again and we taught her & her FAMILY twice this week #miracle. ive been so frustrated because i have been out here working so hard to find someone who will progress to teach and when it finally did happen she fell of the face of the earth but SHES BACK AND BETTA THAN EVER. So we taught her and her family the plan of salvation and started by asking them the questions of have you ever wondered... where you came from? why you are here? and where you are going after this life? Lorie, kerries daughter, jaw literally DROPPED to the ground. She was like "YES" LITERALLY BEST DAY EVERRR. Its one of my favorite lessons to teach because we get to share with others that their is a plan for them and that there is more to life. honestly wahoo YAY from blessing from HF. So stayed tuned for more about them. Being a missionary is honestly so comical. Sis jones and I leave appointments or houses and look at each other and just crack up and say "what in the heck just happened" ahhh the memories. For example i dont know if being a missionary makes us more approachable and trustworthy (well lets hope right) but sometimes people just feel the need to tell us the extended version of their life story. I just love it. I have so many different life stories stored in my brain right now i should write some biographies. Here is my fave quote of the week: "Sorry Alice will have to call you back shes on the pot" LITERALLY COULDNT EVEN respond i was laughing TOO hard. we had stake conference this weekend and it was grrrrrrrreat! One of my favorite talks was on forgiveness. He said that anger and resentment is only hurting ourselves. when we truly forgive we are allowing ourselves to become more like our Savior. I loved that. Satan is always trying to get us to be mad at someone or something because he knows if he can get us to be angry then we wont be able to see all the good thats happening around us. The anger takes over. I know that forgiveness is so hard sometimes but im so grateful for the times that i have forgiven or when people have forgiven me, it is truly humbling and freeing. I hope u all have a splendid TURKEY DAY. Lots of love, sis folk :))

1. When u go to the doctors and they ask your hobbies and u only have one 2. CHRISTMAS TIME 

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