Monday, October 22, 2018

Week 20: sleeping squirrel XD

WOW what a week. heres what went down:
•Sis Beal got transferred and so did a piece of my heart.
•I met and shook the hand of AN APOSTLE OF THE LORD IN THE FLESH. Literally best day of my entire life. I learned so much from him. One of my favorite things that is said is that when I see the Lord he will embrace me because I started my discipleship in the Missouri St. Louis Mission. How cool is that?? He invited us to find the people that are not the normal. It was really cool. He wants us to know the youth and their friends. The youth are so important to the work in these last days!! He testified of Christ and boy was it amazing to hear. The spirit was so strong with him!! I know Christ lives and i know he loves me and all of you!!!! Seriously so cool to be in the presence of Elder Anderson. Truly dont know how to put what i felt into words. All i know is that the church is true.
•my new comp !!!! Sister Jones... she is from kaysville UT and is AWESOME. We have only been together one day but we get along real well and are going to work really well together :)).
Other updates:
•i learned how to cook chicken #lifeskills
•on friday i had pumpkin spice cheerios for breakfast, pumpkin spice pancakes for lunch, and a pumpkin spice tea for snack time (but dont worry no actual tea in it) so u could say im living the fall life right.
•i am now the designated driver. YIKES. I havent driven in like 5 months and the first time i drive is around St. Louis at night on a saturday... RIP. We survived and the driving is goin good now. anywho short email becuz lazy. xoxo happy halloweenie. <3sis folk :))

piczzzz: 1. Came across a sleepin squirrel animals out here are TIRED 2. Behind the scenes of facebook proselyting 3. Me with the CUTEST CAT EVER. 4. how to take a foto when there are only 2 of u #annafotostipsandtricks 5. Bundled up for some nightly tracting 6.Me and mom's high school friend Missy Call  7. The Johns 8. Me and sis B.  Srry dont have any pics with sis jones yet.. next week !!! 

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