Monday, October 1, 2018

Week 17: A Novel By: Me

So good news!!!! Edward (the super solid guy we picked up) doesnt live in our area!!!! So we passed him off to the elders!!!! But actually if u catch the sarcasm its super sad cuz we cant teach him anymore. But its ok cuz he will still learn either way :)) prolly be baptized too tbh. #onlyalittlebitter #illsurvive. So more good news!!!! We got locked out of our apartment and car for 3 hours!!! Super good times. The car and house keys fell out of sis beals bag inside and so we get to the car and we say "oh no" so if you were wondering sitting on asphalt in MO on hot day for 3 hours, is not an ideal past time. We did A LOT of finding this week but i got some cool stories ill share: (some real good news). So after we were able to get our car keys back ( God bless the elders ) we went to an apartment complex and knocked on probably like 30 doors and got rejected by all and one guy was super rude #lovedit. So it had been a rough day too say the least . It was 8:30pm but we were determined to find someone new so we decided to go back to the same apartments and try again and someone actually wanted to talk with us finally!!! His name is john. #40doorslater Keep yall posted about him. It was a happy ending to a #roughday ;-). So we had about 40 minutes in between appointments and decided to go tracting. We get to this neighborhood and parked on the side of the road and i look around. i see this guy that is a little sketch and he is giving us interesting looks. So i say to sis b "dont look now but there is a sketch dude across the street" but of course she looks, hehe. Then he turns and i see a GUN and i say "OH FLIP LETS SKRRT OUTTA HERE" so idk this may be dramatized for affect but it was actually pretty scary. #MOlivin so ANYWAY we drive to another neighborhood and start knockin. Prolly 20 doors later and we decide to knock on one last door before we leave. And WOW miracle we met an amazing teenage girl named Mia!!! LAST STORY STAY WITH ME: so we decided to be ambitious and do a leg workout (RIP) AND that was friday and tbh im still strugglin to walk. But we walked A LOT the day after that workout and haha i wanted a new pair of legs :-) but we we had to walk to the park we usually find at instead of driving (i know im privileged) and it was a StRuGgLe. But we found a really awesome lady named kerry and have a lesson with her this week too. So all in all it was worth the pain. So idk these stories may seem insignificant to you but to me they proved again to me how aware Heavenly Father is aware of us and our efforts. Sis Beal and I have been struggling to find new progressing people to teach. But because we worked super hard and gave it our all, Heavenly Father led us to the people that were prepared and he taught us to not give up and to keep going. And who knows if any of these will go anywhere but i have a feeling they will cuz me n sis beal got CRAZY FAITH. Well folks if u made it this far, i luv u. Idk if you all got to see my facebook post about why i wear the badge or why i keep moving forward after getting yelled at, rejected, etc. But i wanted to share my testimony with you all about how my life has changed since i opened my call :)). My life has changed since I have gotten my call because I more fully understand the bigger picture. I understand that Heavenly Father has a bigger plan, not only for me but for every single one of his children individually. I understand that true happiness and true joy does not come from worldly things but it comes from the Gospel of Jesus Christ and looking outside of ourselves and serving others. It comes when we are truly striving to become like Jesus Christ. I have become more of the person Heavenly Father and Christ want me to be. I understand what is truly important in life. My life has changed because I know how to have charity for people I would have normally never talked to, to be patient with all those I come in contact with, and more diligent if everything I do. My life changed because I know understand and WANT to fulfill my purpose and calling I have on this earth. I am changed because I understand the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Without Christ I would be nothing and there would be no joy in my life. He gives me strength to continuing moving forward even if may seem impossible. He is my Savior and my Redeemer and I am so grateful I get to be a representative of him every single day. Im sorry this is a novel but lets he honest, its worth the read ;-). Stay safe, stay cool, and dont forgot to prepare for general conference this weekend !!! Xoxo sis folk<3 

Pics: On a hike for a good pic to post on facebook ;-), cleaned out our closet and found some gems, Funny shirts we found shopping, Me and Sis B

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