Monday, September 24, 2018

Week 16: its fall y'all : ps NEW ADDRESS

Hi everyone. Im dumb and gave u all the wrong address. Here is the right one, 4812 Apt. B East Schooner Rd. Columbia, MO 65201. If you sent me a letter dont worry i know where the house is of the address i gave so i can just go knock on their door and ask for it. Its not like ive never done that before.......................#mishlife. ZONE CONF !!! We had zone conference and it was the flippin awesome !!. Saw 2 of my high school homiez it was like weber high was just out here chillin in MO. But the most exciting news is that Elder Neil L. Anderson is coming to OUR MISSION AND WE GET TO MEET HIM. He is coming in like 3 weeks and i am SO excited. Here is my take away from zone conf: •through everything, good and bad, the Lord expects us to endure to the end. But he doesnt expect us to do it alone which is so comforting!! Our faith is never underappreciated. •we can access the saviors healing power through prayer. The expectations our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for us are high, but so is the love. FUNNY STORY: we were trying a referral we had and she was like 90 yrs old and not all the way there in the head. But we tried teaching her something anyways. In the middle of sis beal testifying about the BOM, she interupts and says "can i ask you a question?" And then she looks at her and says "are you pregnant?" And sis beal goes "no do look like i am?" And then the lady goes "yeah". #sistermissionaryprobs. Disclaimer: sister beal doesnt look pregnant. THE MIZZOU GAME: The "LDS people" were assigned to the front gate and we got to collect donations for the food bank. Basically said "would you like to donate to the foodbank today?" For 3 hours straight. Probably harder than street contacting if im being honest. ;)) my favorite part is when people would try to pretend to ignore me even tho i yelled it in their ears #goodmems didnt actually get to watch first quarter tho.. we worked until first quarter was over 👍👍👍. it was a SO fun to be in the stadium and just see all the ppl and they even had fireworks so that was a plus !!! Met a lot of interesting ppl but raised a lot of money !! On guy thought my name was Jesus Christ. And i said um no srry just a representative. Painted face lady canceled on us so no luck there. Yesterday we had 15 spare minutes so we went to the park and decided we were going to pick up someone new to teach. We talked to 3 ppl but quickly got #denied. But then we walk into this guy named edward. We asked him 3 questions. 1. Do you believe that after Jesus Christ died and was resurrected that he would go and visit his other sheep? 2. Do you believe people would keep record of this? 3. We believe the Book of Mormon is this record.. would you be interested in learning more? And he answered yes to all of those !!! It was a super cool miracle that we were able to see in just under 3 minutes. He seems super legit so ill keep yall posted. CoMo updates: •im not dying of heat anymore bc fall is here!!! But apparently its supposed to get real cold, real quick #yay #idontevenhaveacoatyet.  •we invited mike to be baptized (he said he'll pray about it so basically a yes). Anywhoooo i love you all lots. Thx for all the love n support <3 Peace n blessings.... sis folk :))
here r some pics from the game and zone conf./ high school reunion

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