Monday, September 10, 2018

Week 14: SHOOK to my CORE

HI EVERYONE!!!! I HOPE YOU HAVE HAD A GOOD DAY. :)) Ok so lets start with a lil story: When my sister left for her mission i told my mom "i dont think i could ever go on a mission because i get attached to people and i HATE saying goodbye" HAH joke is one me. so this last sunday night we were just enjoying a ride home when we get a call from the assistants and they just ya know casually say "hi sisters we just wanted to let you know that you will both be leaving warrenton, is that okay?" Tears started to flow friends. I was def not okay. I could not leave warrenton. But then we get home and after sitting crying for a minute we went and got ready for bed. I prayed and asked Heavenly Father if this is what he really wanted for me. And in the days since i have gotten so many different confirmations and answers that this is what needs to happen. Prayer is so powerful!!! Heavenly Father is so aware of us and our needs. He knows that i need a fresh start of things. And i am still so sad to go but i am also so excited to see where the Lord needs me next!!! I love that our hearts can just keep loving more and more people!!! I never knew how many people i could love so much. (Wow i am so sorry i used an excessive amount of exclamation marks, but then again im not sorry bc it shows i am not a robot) So um ya it has been quite the turn of events. We started writing whitewash notes for the new sisters and making our rounds to all the people we are working with. I only cried 7 times so im #impressedwithmyself. we did service this week called operation backpack!! a member and her friend from another church do it for kids who dont have meals over the weekends (kind of like weekend warrior im pretty sure from weber high.) but anyways it is so cool! i am sad i only got to do it once but i loved being able to go into all the schools and see all the kids and just deliver the bags!! it is such a cool thing that they do and it made me so so happy to serve!! this was the first week of the school year and we packed 95 bags for 4 different schools!! its pretty amazing! here are some things i wont miss about Warrenton tho: our apartment that smells like baked potatoes 24/7 bc our neighbors are prolly from idaho and do not know how to cook anything else. thats all. i love warrenton. Church this week was amazing !!!! We finally got a new bishop!!! It was so cool to be apart of that. I knew exactly when their names were called that they were called of God. It was such a peaceful feeling in the chapel. And faith came to church!!! Im so sad to leave her and not be able to help her progress towards her baptism date but im excited to keep in touch with her!!! Also i am flipping so sad to leave kristen. But ill be back for a visit in a quick couple years. Our apartment has also been infested with lil flies and we dont know how they have been multiplying bc we dont even have that much fruit (sorry mom). But we found a bag of potatoes (those dang idahoans im convinced) rotting in the corner of our kitchen. Like have yall ever seen potatoes drip brown liquids?? Cuz i have. Anyways pointless story but now our apt doesn't have flies so i thought it'd be some good news for ur tuesday. But idk it was a pretty chill week. I played in corn today. Ill attach pics. Attention to all my pen pals: hold off on the letters, ill get you my new address next week ;-) I love you all!!!!! <3 -sis folk :))

1. Me n sis lowery -a v crazy v fun alabamian (is that a thing?) 2. Me kristen n faith :))))))):(((( 3. Me n corn 4. Our last district meeting 5. FB post from Kristen 6. saying good-bye 7. eating Alexa's favorite Japanese dish

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