Monday, September 3, 2018

Week 13: labor FREE day

happy monday!!!!! this week has flown by faster than i could imagine!!! But it was amazing!!! I dont have much time to write today cuz i got plans (ya im popular in missouri too no big deal) ha just joshin folks! But we are going to a ward labor day picnic and then shopping for sisters pday wahoo. Plus i dont wanna type a lot cuz i have to email on my phone and i might get thumb cramps. Which could potentially lead to arthritis and i dont want that. but anyways. . . first things first. KRISTENS BAPTISM. BEST. DAY. EVER. Its really hard to put into words how amazing it was but it was pretty much the bestest thing ever. She was so happy and just glowing, honestly. Its so amazing that just two months ago she was wondering why God was making her go through the trials she is in. she didnt understand that if God loved us, then why does he make us suffer. But now she completely understands and it has a been a huge change i have seen in her. She realizes that trials help us grow and they make us become more than we thought we could ever be when we rely on Christ and His Atonement. Speaking of which- I love Jesus Christ. Anywa,y the baptism and confirmation were amazing and she is officially a member!!! Um some other fun updates: I painted some more and wow im getting good. Turn on some disney MoTob and i can have ur house painted in no time. I fed some cat fish. The church is true. The bom is blue. Missorui is fun cuz im here too! Thats all for this week fans. Stay tuned for next weeks email. <3 sis folk

Pictures: 1-4. Me feeding some big flippin fishies 5. Me and kristen!!!!
6. Me and sister ovitt a cute lady in our ward :)) 7. Me n sister lofgran at the baptism!!!!! 8. Me n sis lofgran ????? I dont have a better explanation so thats lame 9. Pic send to mom from members

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