Monday, August 27, 2018

Week 12: sirens and cicadas 8)

from sun up to sun down the two sounds i can count on constantly hearing are sirens and cicadas. its such a great time livin in the boonies behind the courthouse. um this week was another one. it pretty much flew by folks, im kinda shocked its monday again?? had a boat load of lessons with kristen and she is SO excited to get baptized this saturday!! she is literally so prepared. she is so so excited to get ready to go to the temple after her baptism. we taught her about family history and she just loved it. family history is so cool, i wish i would have gotten more into it before my mission. we also taught her daughter faith again and she is on date to be baptized oct. 6th!! we had another lesson with Jessica. theresa unfortunately dropped us. we taught jessica the restoration and she was so touched by it. after my companion shared the first vision with her, she got emotional and just said "wow". it was so cool. the spirit is the coolest thing. i love how it all can touch us in such different ways. my favorite part of being a missionary is watching peoples faces as my companion and i teach them the truth and they know that we are speaking the truth. went to my first old lady relief society activity... it was a blast. we knitted and drank hot coco. hehe just jokes... we made birthday bags and christmas card (; so know i have some cool bags that im not quite sure what ill do with. one of my favorite things i have learned the past 3 months: happiness and joy are something we can feel every single day no mattter what we are going through! "of this be sure, you dont find the happy life, you make it" -thomas s monsoon. i LOVE this quote because we cannot wait for the day we are going to be happy because if we waiting it will never come. life is too short. we have to always look for the good no matter what is happening around us because there is always good. "happiness comes from thousands of tiny decisions we make daily" -someone in the ensign who i cant remember but its SO true. we chose whether we are happy or not it is always our decision. and when we are choosing Christ we are always choosing happy even in the trials. we can feel JOY in the hard times because we have chosen to follow Jesus Christ and look at the positive. and like i ask the people we are teaching each lesson after i finish talking..."does that make sense?" if it doesnt make sense then im sorry cuz i just want u to be happy. so just be happy, ok? :) *gets off soap box* stay happy folks :)) love sis folk <3

Pics: 1. Um idk if the fans saw but i was on #famous #immyownfan #1 #gome 2. Davidson fam left :( 3. Painted a sun room, did some art 4. Me and a flower that is almost as pretty as me ;-)
5. Bought this at the mtc for $3 and was going to give it to JT for lexa. But forgot. So i guess ill wear it haha :)

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