Monday, August 6, 2018

Week 9: i ate pork steak (exotic food #3)

i know what most of you have been thinking these past 3 weeks. "you are in the states you are eating regular food that we eat in utah" FALSE. i grew up on chicken and fish. so its like i am in a foreign country. my favorite thing to do at a dinner appointment is tell people i didnt eat steak until i was 18. people go crazy. then i say "my mom is a dietitian" and they all go "ahh that makes sense" LOL. but pork steak. apparently its a midwest or maybe just a missouri thing idk. but its basically a porkchop with fat and bone and stuff. a member decided i needed to try it. so he grilled it up for me. it was ummm good? ill probably never eat it again tbh. i do not like accidentally eating fat. #newbiemeateater. anyways ill stop talking about food now. onto my week it was medium good. we were able to start a stop smoking workshop with kristen this week and it was crazy flippin awesome sTuFf. srsly. like to start it off she had to crush cigarettes. she freaking tore the whole entire package it half. and then she was like "im going to go get my other pack" and then she ripped that one in half too. it was pretty much the best part of my week. she is literally on fire. she has SO much faith. um i think i accidentally blocked out all of friday bc me and my companion had a #mentalbreakdown XD so i would rather not remember that. on saturday we did service at the bishops again. he left to dubai so his wife is left all alone to finish the house. BUT she's like wonder woman so its all cool. me and my comp vacumned and stapled the tarp under their trailer. im not gunna say it was fun because i was actually hoping the trailer would fall on top of me because i was sick of crawling through spider webs. but we finally finished and if u are looking to move to Missouri, the nicest trailer in the midwest is up for sale. im not kidding its a good looking home. then on sunday kristen came to church for the first time!!!!! she was literally glowing the whole time and LOVED IT. we have also been reading the book of mormon with her every night over facebook chat video thing and it is seriously the best part of my day. its like one day a flip switched and she became a new person. she is seriously going to influence her entire family. i love her and i love seeing the amazing difference the gospel and the knowledge of her Savior Jesus Christ has made in her life in just 1 month. AHHH she also invited us to her sons first birthday. like #besties. it was a funny moment at the party though cuz her husband said a couple of explicit words and then realized and he looks at us and he is like "oh i am so sorry! i am trying i really am" it was so funny hahahah. there is nothing cooler than being a missionary... except a ice cube in Antarctica.. thats pretty cool. the Lord is hastening his work and it is the best thing in the world to be a part of it. i challenge all of you this week to share the gospel with someone. whether it be a post on social media, a text, or in person!! The gospel of Jesus Christ will change lives. all you have
to do is open your mouths :)) i love you all. -sis folk
P.S. Funny story. The bishops son who is 7, and my favorite ever, bore his testimony and basically just said "if you are not choosing good you are choosing satan" and then just walked off the stage. It was awesome hahaha.

Pictures: Last day w/ bishop :(, Daniel Boone Home with members

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