Monday, August 20, 2018

Week 11: i shouldnt be alive right now

well its just another week of writing my fans. hehe but hmm you're probably expecting some sketch story of why i shouldn't be alive right now right?? well i dont have that but i do have THIS: so there i was just enjoying my dinner when Bro Erickson whips out his deer jerky stick. yep its true this week i ate deer... well sorta. he tried giving me a whole stick and i was like oh no thank you im ok. but then i was like WAIT i need to eat a little piece.. for the fans at home. so he cut me a little piece and boy do i regret taking it. sorry guys i dont know if you were worth it. so i start chewing and you know when you are trying to swallow something and it wont go down?? and you have been chewing it for a good 3 minutes and its turning to mush and every time you try to swallow you gag?? ya that was me. so then eventually i had to throw it up on my plate. so that was a little awkward throwing up at the dinner table. all is well though, plus i got a good story for my fans so i guess it was #worthit. This week was a fun one. last monday i went fishing. logan the 7 year old who took us out to his pond just nonchalantly slipped in the sentence "oh by the way look out for snakes and snapping turtles.. and bull frogs. because they will get you" i was ready to turn back right then but i was brave and stayed. i didnt catch a fish tho ;( my comp caught two so i guess thats pretty sick. i went on exchanges with sister aubrey and it was so fun !!! we walked around a neighborhood and met so many awesome people. they probably thought we were crazy for walking around in 100% humidity in the heat of the day but ... gotta find those elect souls ya know. but we met this super awesome lady named cassie. she looks at sister aubrey's name and then looks at mine. she was like "do your parents not like you or something?" hahaha cuz she was confused since aubrey is usually a first name. so she thought my name was folkman. it was honestly pretty funny and hopefully she gives us a call soon. but exchanges were super fun and i led out in my area so i kinda feel like a pro. lowkey tho. we had a lesson with faith, kristens daughter and it was awesomeeeeee. we invited her to be baptized and she said she doesnt know enough yet but then in here prayer she said "please help me to eventually be baptized" AHHHHH wahoo yay for us missionaries and for faith!!! we found 2 new people to teach last night !! a mom and daughter !!! it was so awesome. the spirit was SO strong. we invited them both to be baptized and they said yes!!!!! ill keep you all posted on them. missouri mission updates: i ate lasagna 3 times this week, i drove for the first time in 2 1/2 months. i honestly feared for my life but all is well. kristen is still a baller and is SO excited for her baptism on Sept. 1 and i just love her SO much. i'm casually flying through each week i have no idea how i am writing another weekly email. i love all my fans. thanks for all the support. much love, sis folk :)) 

Picture: Me and Sis Aubrey, Sister Wilcox, and Sister Lofran

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