Monday, August 13, 2018

Week 10: i ate blue cheese ;O

here i am again tryin exotic foods. tbh blue cheese is kinda cool. its like the feeling you get after you get your cavities filled and your mouth is numb. im working on my hooks so u readers will be captivated to finish reading my emails. obviously im gunna need some work cuz im trying to get you guys interested by talking about cheese. BUT CAN I JUST SAY WHATTA WEEK. all i wanna do is just shout from the water tower tops about how much i love being a MISSIONARY. here are some highlights:
here are some of my favorite quotes, sayings, and tidbits from it
-never be satisfied with how close you are to Jesus Christ
-if you dont plan to succeed, you wont
- by comparing yourself, you dont allow yourself to be yourself. the savior doesnt ever compare.
never ever stop believing in yourself because the Savior will never ever leave you!!! He is your biggest fan. He wants you to succeed in everything you do! we were talking with the Bishops wife this week and she was telling us how a lot members are just going through the motions of the gospel. they have forgotten that true happiness comes when we are actively engage in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are striving to be like Christ every single day. Remember that God has a plan for each and everyone of us. We need to be living in faith not fear. because where there is fear there is no faith. Trust in God and everything will turn out how it is supposed too. 

SISTER HARKNESS + more; i was able to listen to sister harkness, ubank, and craven. however sister ubank and craven wrere broadcasted in from nebraska.. but anyways it was so amazing. they spoke to all the sisters in the areas they were in about President Nelson's recent devotional given to the youth. they all continued to tell all the sisters from ages 8-70+ that this talk was for everyone. we should all take the challenges that our Prophet has given us. we as members of the church were not designed to blend in. we were born to stand out and be different. they invited us to change something in moderation in our lives. so i invite all of you to take this challenge which is from our Heavenly Father.. to change something in your life. for just one week. what will you sacrifice so someone else can progress? will you give up some of your free time to do family history? to go to the temple? to serve your neighbor? there is just so many good things we can be doing. and when we sacrifice and give our time and agency back to the Lord, the windows of heaven open for us. UHHH yes please!!!! who wouldnt want the windows of heaven opened for them?? i hear the weather is great up there so im sure they are wanting to open the windows so bad. So change for the better this week. maybe its something small but its still something. sorry if i dont make sense... my brain is overwhelmed with goodness that i just wanna share it all. um couple fun things from this week... Kristen is a baller and is prolly getting baptized on September 1st cuz we are moving up her date tomorrow. we started teaching kristens daughter. her name is faith and im pumped to teach her about faith. hehe hoho. one day this week i was trying shed some light into our apartment bc for some weird reason missouri doesnt believe in ceiling lights. so we only have tiny little christmas lights as light and they are not very efficient. so anyways i literally touch the blinds and KabLaNg. they break. of coursre i would be the lucky missionary to touch the sun damaged stupid blinds and break them. good news though, only $3.98 at wally world for new blinds. missouri also is home to the world worst drivers. they dont have to take drivers ed and boy does it show. i have a near death experience pretty much everyday. missourians do not believe in blinkers. anyway the other day we were on the freeway and there was some traffic... so of course when there is traffic the best thing to do is just to drive through the grass and get onto the outer road. =) reckless kidz over here. i love you all and i am so so grateful for all the support u all give to me. i am so blessed. bless up. blessed day. blessings for everyone. love sis folk :))

Pics: 1. Me n sis ward (anne butts bestie but now mine hehehe) 2. The grass u can drive through if u wanna get outta traffic and break the law 3. Me n the sisters i came out with 4. Me my comp and a really big spider who gets fed grasshoppers daily but a 7 year old (who is also taking me fishing today) #yahoo 5. Awk pic w/ elders :)))))

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