Monday, October 8, 2018

Week 18: happy fallidays!!!

I watched TV for 10 hours this weekend wbu?? ( no but really this was the first time in 19 years i havent fell asleep while watching conference... hmmmm idk if i should admit that as a missionary but OH WELL #proud ). But WOW wasnt conference amazing!!!! I'll get to that in a minute. Updates:
》Taught kerri and her husband this week!! We invited them to be baptized and they both said yes and and then we invited them to be baptized on Nov. 17th and they said they would pray about it. It was a super cool lesson though the spirit was crazy strong. At one point Kerri said "I can feel Jesus in the room right now" LIKE SAME. She continued to tell us that she has never let anyone come over before but when we came up to her that day in the park she knew it was for a reason so she said yes. GOD IS GOOD.
》John: crazy knowledge about the Bible. He started going of on the tangent and I really seriously tried my hardest to follow but I was LOST. My listening skillz are getting NICE out here in MO because boy do people like to tell you their entire life story.
》found out that brown recluse spiders are poisonous... i thought they were just big. Love living in #spiderville
》ive eaten more pulled pork then ive ever eaten in my life thus far #plzsendchicken
》fall is SO PRETTY HERE. Pink n orange trees everywhere. Sis Fotowoman is in HEAVEN. #samsungj7prime #almostasgoodasifone7
》whoever said humidity is good for your skin is a liar 

here is my conference take away: I loved that almost every talked spoke about staying on the covenant path, relying on Christ, and taking his name upon us. We have different struggles and we all definitely feel inadequate but because of Christ there is JOY in our trials. If we truly take his name upon us and truly glorify him in everything we do I know that it will change our lives because Christ does not leave us comfortless. I know that when we pray it brings down the revelation we need to focus our lives on Christ. I know that the words spoken to us this weekend are from our Heavenly Father. I am so excited to start serving more out of love instead of fear of not being enough and to see the people I talk with as God sees them. Wahoo conference was just the best I would love to know all of your own opinions and take aways :)). Plz send pumpkin spice and anything nice to 4812 Apt B. East Schooner Rd. Columbia MO 65201 #whitegirlsinneed. Stay safe, say your scriptures, read your prayers, and dont forget to send packages to como ! ;-). All my love (except not all of it cuz gotta save some for the folk in MO), sis folk :)) 

Pics: 1. Spiderville 2.the white house i think 3. The park where we pick up new people to teach every week & sis beal  4. Monsters university or missouri university??

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