Monday, July 1, 2019

Week 56: Its July??? JULYING

HELLO !!! To all my fans: I'm melting its way to hot here, plz send otter pops. Walking outside aka i might as well just dump a cup of water on my head bc thats what i look like when im done. Well I have a new companion, drumroll please....... Sister Heuston from Draper, UT. Another classic sister missionary from utah. We love it. Honestly this week has all been a blur, the beginning of transfers is always a little rough adjusting to another human being but Sister Heuston and I are having a grand time! But man I kinda actually miss the TRI life. We had an amazing lesson with Elaine this week though! She has grown so much this past month and loves the gospel!! It has truly changed her into a new brighter person! I love that we always have the ability to be better through Christ. We have a lesson with Scottie tonight so ill have an update about him next week. Happy 4th of July! I have no idea how its July but i guess it is! Over and out, Sis Folk :))

1. Elaine gave us flowers 2. Me cutting Bob's hair. I guess im a cosmetologist now (it did not turn out that bad honestly) 3. Concentrated =)

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