Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Week 55: useless potato part 2 ;))

Hi FRIENDS!!! ITS ME IM STILL LIVIN! so transfer calls came and im staying in smithton ridge and sis smith is sadly leaving elsewhere... and sis bahr is going back to como #heckyaaaaa #cantseperateus. crazy busy day today! so heres a quick recap! SCOTTIE: we had 2 lessons with him this week and hes literally the coolest human! he is searching for truth and is so sincere ! He actually replies to our texts messages and doesnt cancel our appointments and thats pretty unheard of in my experience so im HYPE about it. We invited him to be baptized on July 27th and he said "i dont think ill be ready by then" so he is praying to choose his own date but we promised he would be ready because Heavenly Father is a God of MIRACLES. So we went street contacting in a park and we met a Spanish couple! So cute and for about .5 seconds i felt useful but then i again felt like a useless potato LOL. Sis smith whipped out her 7 years of spanish and we gave the the el libro de mormon (i think) and our ZL is a spanish elder so hopefully he will get to start teaching them! It was another wonderful week in the MSLM. This next transfer will hopefully be less CrAzY ! And i can send out a quality email. I love Missouri! I love being a missionary! I love Jesus! All my love plus some more, Sis folk :)) 

Pics: 1. Threw a pie in elder rogers face, what a good experience 2. I found the cat, its me 3. Cute spanish couple 4. Sis bahr= my soulmate 5. Sis smith im gunna miss her 6. Got a hair cut =)

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