Monday, June 10, 2019

Week 53: I'm in a quad?

Buckle down folks. It's going to be a wild ride. So one of the Sisters over in Columbia (my old area) went home so I am now in a tri companionship (but actually a quad because Jesus Christ) and Sis Bahr has joined me and Sis Smith. Literally I LOVE this girl, she has kept me laughing throughout this treacherous week. So we now cover both areas and we have been running around like chickens w NO HEADS. skrttin from appointment to appointment. It's definitely been interesting here is a rundown. We had a couple lessons with the people Columbia sisters are teaching. my favorite was Will, he's deaf and all im going to say is that I wasted 2 years of my life taking ASL in high school because a potato would have been of more use during that lesson. I didn't understand any of the sign language. But im learning and it's fun to sign for him. then Sister Bahr and I went on exchanges with Sister Clark! It was just another day of running headless chickens! Successful but insane! Sister Clark was a trooper and just put up with mine and Sister Sister Bahr's insanity. We had a lesson with a guy we are teaching named Justin! We had a super amazing lesson with him teaching him the GOJC, he is now on date for July 20th! He told us he is buckling down so I'll keep you posted. Then we had MLC and a special STL training at which I learned way to much for my brain to handle. But it was the best MLC.... I mean it was my only one ive been too but still the best. President and Sister Bateman surprised us and we got to go to the beautiful temple! It was such a blessing!! I love the temple so much and the spirit that I felt and answers to my prayers were received! The house of the Lord is so amazing!!! And so are the covenants we make inside! SO nonetheless we have been busy and gone. So yesterday we had about 45 minutes to reach our goals for the week and find 2 new people to teach for both our areas.. we stopped by a family in Columbia and they have 8 kids and we started teaching the mom and dad and then 4 kids! It was such a MIRACLE. We all said a prayer around there pool while holding hands and it was just one of those moments when in my head I was like "yes this is pure joy". I love those weird moments on my mission. Then we skrtted back to Smithon Ridge to find us some people to teach! And we park our car look up and we see some kids balling it up down the street. So we get out walk down and asked them if we could play and we played a round of lighting and I got 3rd place out of like 7 so that's pretty good for a classic PE girl. Then we started talking to Scotty the dad, and low and behold he had talked to Elders where he just moved from 2 years ago! So we are going to start teaching him and his son Cordell! Okay so hang on I'm almost done. But can you just see that miracle! We worked so hard all week and did all we could but we had no time for finding but because we did literally all that we could and Heavenly Father rewarded our efforts. He always will. He is SO aware of us, my testimony of that has grown so much of that this week! His timing is so real and so crucial! Just trust in him and whatever happens is because he needs it too! He dropped 7 people in our laps for us to teach in under 1 hour!
Okay 2 more things
1. I got to go to Columbia church and see all the people I LOVE. All my favorite people from my time serving in that ward. It is so fun to be back and see all the people that mean the literal world mean to me.
2. We had interviews with President and he just is awesome!!! He helped me realize how stuck we are without the Spirit. We won't progress and we won't be able to keep our covenants without it and our covenants are essential to our salvation/exaltation!
All I know is that I love this thing I call my "mission" because it really is just like I LOVE my life right now..its rough, it gives me stress, headaches, tears, BUT it makes me smile, laugh, and feel overwhelming amount of love for random folks in MO/IL. Anywho I love you all!!!!!
sis folk <3

1. MLC crew @ the temple 2. STL crew @ the mission home 3. sis Bahr :,) 4. my bff sis beal goes home in 14 days:( 5. the triπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ and the elders sticked noted our car #yay 6. When in st louis
And some other stuffffff

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