Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Week 54: throwback tuesday 2 YWs

Well hey friends... another pday has rolled around and we are halfway through June and I'm not sure how. But ANYWAY...this week was another of running around like a chicken w/ no head. i dont have much to say because its all a blur and im also heading to the temple today! So highlight of my week was going Columbia wards girls camp for a little bit and it was so fun!!!! I got to be back with all the YW i love. Their theme was " This is Me ". they focused a lot on their true identity and how we are literally daughters of a God. And the world is going to tell us otherwise and mock us for what we believe but we truly know that, it is such an amazing feeling. Then we also got to be there for testimony meeting! The youth are simply so amazing here. The spirit was so strong. We had a lesson with Scottie, the man we started teaching by playing basketball w/ him. He opened up to us and told us about how he has been searching for truth and a church to attend because of what he is currently going through. It was such a cool lesson ! Being a missionary is the best JOB. We had a lesson with Will, the deaf man we are teaching.. I am getting better and I'm a little more useful in lessons especially when we bring an interpreter =) Well folks all i have to say is that covering these two areas has taken a toll on our mental stability but we hanging in there. If we make it through the day we buy ourselves ice cream, so its safe to say we have had plenty of ice cream. Sorry for the lame email, lots of love -Sis folk <3

Pics: 1. Heard the ice cream truck--- ran outside and dropped everything 2. Servin in Jeff City again, zoom in to the pic of me jump roping with a tree branch #athletic 3. Not included in the selfie :/ 4. Big Jesus 

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