Monday, July 8, 2019

Week 57: Chuggin along

Im running out of ways to start these emails and so I guess I'll just dive right in!!!! MIRACLES: saturday we had absolutely nothing planned and appointments canceled so we went finding all day long! And it was hot! And tiring! And i got blisters! But we saw miracles! Here is the story- so we were in a certain neighborhood and we felt directionless and so we prayed. And for some reason 420 hackberry came to mind. But no streets in the neighborhood were named hackberry... so later in the day after lunch we went to a new neighborhood and low and behold there was a street there named HACKBERRY. So we tracked the whole street !!!!!! I looked like a wet rat but we found a girl named summer on the street and she said she said she is looking for a church and wants to come closer to Christ. All i know is that she accepted Christ not the wet rat that i was. God loves us. It took the whole day to find her but we did! Then we found 2 others the last 30 minutes of the night! God is so aware of us!! 4th of July we volunteered at the yearly Parley P. Pratt run and we passed out water cuz #haterunning. other than 6 sister missionaries from UT trying to find the trail.. we missed all the fast runners but thats what they get for being over achievers. =))) I love you all, im learning im growing and im surviving the heat kinda!! Love Sis folk <3

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