Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Week 60: miracle wHiP

now don't be fooled, the title of this email is not referring to the disgusting white spread people decide to put on sandwiches for some reason. it simply is referring to the fact that this week was full of MIRACLES and i am definitely whipping about it on the daily. (for the older more wise folks: whipping- a dance move). so it all began Monday night, we teach member families the 5 missionary lessons to strengthen their testimonies of the gospel and so they can share it with others! and this monday at one of my favorite members homes they brought their friend and their grandson who is not baptized but is turning 9 ! so we are now teaching both of them and invited them both to be baptized and they both said yes !!!!! then: i got to go on exchanges with sister frehner! and she went to dixie!!!! finally someone on my mission who doesnt give me grief about where i went to college. the miracle of this exchange was simply the fact we talked about college all day and we found out we were in the same math class. small world. she is the coolest and smartest bc shes a dixie chick. next: there was a baptism this Saturday we wanted Elaine to come to. sooo we showed up an hour before and invited her and she said she would come. a lot of prayer went into this and it was a pretty big deal so me and sis heuston were happy as could be! she LOVED the baptism and told everyone that "she was doing this on August 31st". she is so converted to this gospel and to Jesus Christ. it is amazing. I am humbled every time I get to be with her and teach her. then: Elaine came to church!!!!!! and i know that the power of prayer is REAL. sis heuston and i have been working for 5 weeks and praying and planning and doing literally everything in our power and ELAINE CAME AND SHE LOVED IT. God is good my friends!!!!
a spiritual thought from my study this week: 3 Nephi 13:34 "Take therefore no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient is the day unto the evil thereof." Trust Heavenly Father. Trust that he has a precise plan just for you, that will help you grow in the ways necessarily to return to Him. This is simply what the Spirit taught me as I read this verse reflecting the past transfer, to trust that my Heavenly Father has my best interest at heart and everything that happens is for my good. and I know this is true for each of you, oddly no Heavenly Father wont decide who you spend 6-12 weeks with 24/7 but he will decide what trials you need and what you will learn from them, so trust him and ask him what he wants you to learn from learn. i love you all so much! 
xoxo sis folkman 

Pics: 1. The gang at church! 2. Took away some cigs👌👌👌 3. Dixie gurlz 💙❤

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