Monday, July 22, 2019

Week 59: im 20 1/2! wahoo!

Dont worry everyone the heat wave only turned me into a sweaty rat again! No sunburns here---- just a sweaty gal knocking on your door! Although this week was 110 w/ humidity it was fantastic! I took a special challenge from my mother and sister to look at the positive in everyday and wow my life has been changed! Being grateful for even the small things changes it all! LIFE SKILL LEARNED THIS WEEK: ---packing--- All the video game tetris finally payed off. We went over to help my fave member from my first area who lives in columbia pack up her kitchen to move across town. Not to bragggg butttttt i packed all the boxes like a bo$$ and they just handed me everything and i tetrised it into the boxes.  
---sunscreen is my new scent--- I found out that if i use sunscreen as perfume it is the illusion that im going to the pool/beach when in reality im going tracting and it put one big smile on my face! MIRACLES! ELAINE- she is just as amazing!!! We were on the phone with her this week and she just says "your job is so important" then she continues and talks about how we are the best people (all the people from church and missionaries) she has met in her entire life. She said "it just shines in your faces." I LOVED that. Our faith really is so evident, we have a light and sharing it with others and being that example is so important. Especially because our light comes from Christ's light and his can never ever be darkened! Mosiah 16:9 "He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death". SCOTTIE- Is literally my favorite person to teach. He is a tough cookie to crack but i can totally see that he is truly just seeking truth and has a sincere desire to change his life. We had an amazing lesson with him this week and we asked him if he had prayed about the things we were teaching and he said "personally im praying about a baptism date" WOW FOLKS it doesnt get better than this ! I also got to go on exchanges with sis hassan this week and she is a STELLAR missionary! We worked so hard all day in the heat and found 2 new people to teach! Twas a good week folks! Thanks for tuning in, shine your light this week!!!!! (TB to the shine the light celebration) it has new meaning now 😁😁😁😁😁😁 All my love plus some more, sis folk <3

Pics: 1. Sister Hassan and I !!! 2. tryin smile through the heat wave =) 3. lol bacon fest
4. eatin those leafy greens so i be healthy mmmm delicious 5. bailey hoskins -- the best human/member

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