Thursday, April 4, 2019

Week 43: full blown nun

oh what a wonderful life. ill just dive right into the goods: We had an amazing lesson with Dayshawn and Nora Audrey about church, praying, and reading the scriptures. they are so so amazing and i love them to death. the whole family makes my heart just melt. they came to church Sunday as well and we asked Dayshawn how he liked it and he said "it made me feel some type of way, i didnt cry but ill probably start unraveling in the car ride home". HE IS GREAT. they all got priesthood blessings after church because the adversary is working SO hard on them, its rude really. so we busted out the big guns. and wow THE PRIESTHOOD IS SO POWERFUL YET AGAIN IM AMAZED. literally it was such an amazing experience to be there for Dayshawn's first priesthood blessing. i just cried and felt the spirit so strongly. i am SO lucky. so that was a HIGH of the week. we recently started volunteering at the soup kitchen and it takes me back to my good old days at bellas fresh mexican grill. it is run by the catholic church so thats fun to go in their with our name tags that say "sister". my fave questions were "so are you guys studying to be like full blown nuns?", "so are you going to get married at any point?". then outside of the breadline we have been asked if we are nuns like 5 other times this week, it has been the most i have gotten that my whole mission. nope not a nun, still wanna get married, just temporarily off the market serving the Lord. so that was a LOW but a lowkey high because funny. we play volleyball every saturday with the other springfield ward and their missionaries with the youth and it is so fun ! we have been able to take some young women out with us and the elders have taken out the young men so it has been a great thing! im not very good at volleyball although i should be cuz i played a lot of sand volleyball last year and PV 5th ward was region champs 2 times but nonetheless im still not good. so i got the nickname of "classic PE girl" you know the girl that always loses it for the team and can never get the ball in? ya thats me. but its pretty great cause when i do get it in its like a huge celebration!!!!! i dont mind that im not too good, i still have a grand time playing. we had a lesson with Kelly again. it was so spirit led and every lesson we have with her is. I love how Heavenly Father uses us to bless her life and help her through her trials. it is truly such an honor to be a part of. she committed to come to church which we were SO excited about because that is a huge step for her and for what she is going through right now. we were so so proud of her!!! sadly something happened saturday night and she wasnt able to come. stupid satan. COME FOLLOW ME. although sometimes i get bummed out that i dont have a family to do come follow me with, i still LOVE studying it by myself. and i absolutely loved this weeks study!
I loved studying the story of the apostles on the boat as Jesus walks towards them on the water. I literally LOVED this story, i feel like i never even knew it before and studying it so deeply really answered so many of my questions i have had recently. I love in Matthew 14:27 "But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid." I needed to hear that. it is literally the exact same for us that when we truly put all of our trust in the Lord it will all work out. but we need to trust him and have faith over fear. As I was discussing this with Sis Van Amen she pointed out how in verse 31 it says that Jesus immediately stretched forth his hand. immediately. i know it that Jesus so badly wants to reach out and grab us and save us from "drowning", but we must first turn to Him and trust in His promises. all my love + some more, sister anna folkman

pics: 1-2. volleyball crew 3-4. chalked the park w gospel things :) 5. missed my bowl :) 6. pudding =) srry we were lame and forgot to take some good pics this week. next time

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