Monday, April 15, 2019

Week 45: Weeding donuts

i got a sunburn on monday and it snowed on sunday. good times. we were witnesses at Dayshawn's and Kelli's wedding... literally signed the certificate. my JOHN HANCOCK on the records forever. #blessings. it was the highlight of my week! we did some yard work for a family in the ward and we were assigned to weed the flower beds. it brought me back to my summer chore list while living at home. nothing better than waking up to the sheet of paper that says "weed for 30 minutes" glad my momma gave me some sort of work ethic. we also helped another member take down Christmas ! no judge tho its the best holiday to keep up for extra long! a cute old lady gives us all the coupons from the newspaper. this week we lucked out with krispy creme coupon and you better believe we skrrted over there so quick to pick up a batch of glazed doughnuts. sadly uncle martin cant deliver krispy cremes all the way to Illinois. #tendermercycoupon. woke up at the crack of dawn aka 4:50 to go to seminary. those kids are amazing. we talked about having a willing heart and mind to do the Lord's work and boy are those kids willing because they are there mon-fri @6am. faithful examples to me for sure. we had stake conference this weekend as well which was great! one of the speakers said something i really liked! he said " i hope we all heard something we needed to hear or in fact something we need to change " because truly that is what conference is all about. how we can become better and become more like Christ. i invite you to review the conference talks to see what you can change. faith is a principle of action. become a better you this week! thats my goal this transfer. i want to be a better me. i want to be someone the Lord can count on and trust 100% of the time. i want to become more like my Savior. I am so grateful for Him this Easter season! I truly don't know who I would be without him, I do know i would be a lot less of the person I am right now. He lives! He overcame physical death and because of him we can live again! His Atonement gives me strength to keep moving even when i dont think i can, courage to do the things i dont think im capable of, and joy that i cant explain. Jesus Christ is everything to me and i love him! i am so grateful for his selfless sacrifice of love! happy easter!!!!!! sis folk

Pics: 1. The WEDDING of the century 2. This popped up on Sis Vs phone lol ... both me ugly and pretty 3. After wedding selfies (; 4. Krispy CREMMMEEEE 5. another pic of me kissing abe 
6-7. selfies for facebook proselyting :) 8. Sleepover

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