Monday, April 22, 2019

Week 46: Go Nuts

another week closer to summer vacation! oh wait i dont get one, im always on vacation! except i would not vacation in illinois. good place though. if you like wind, cats, and allergies! ok ok ill get on with the, we were driving with a young woman in our ward and we see a squirrel and we are all like "wow thats a weird position for a squirrel to be dead in they are usually flat" but then its starts to hop across RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE CAR. and wow what a sendy squirrel bc Rest In Peace buddy. 
MIRACLE-we started a district fast to help us find new people to teach and that want to hear our message. Right after we started our fast sister van amen felt like we needed to go visit with kelly allen who we haven't been able to contact in weeks, so we made brownies. (bad idea to do after you start fasting...what a tempting smell). we walked the long 2 mile journey to her house and she was so excited to see us and let us right in! It was honestly so good to see her and just talk with her! sadly we haven't had contact since then but it was amazing to see that direct answer to our prayer! the best part was they gave us pizza while we were there, we both felt bad saying no (not a fan of confrontation) so we broke our fast 2 hours in..👍👍👍👍 but we started again and finished it for real. then on sunday and a member brought her friend Rafael to church! He told us he wanted to learn more and we have a appointment with him tomorrow. #blessingsoffastingwithfaith. i went on exchanges with sister wencel this week! that was a party and a half. we met this guy and he was being really suspicious in my opinion and i swear he had a gun in his car cuz he kept locking it and looking at his car and inching closer to it and i was terrified. but good news his cane was just in the car. plus it was mid day and i dont think thats the prime time to kill sister missionaries. we also went to this super sketchy parking garage on accident and got some cool pics! Easter was the best as a missionary! i felt so close to my Savior and just felt the spirit so strongly all day as i was able to teach and testify of Him and His gospel. He lives!!!!!! all my love + plus some more, sis folk

PICS: exchanges w sister wencel, sleepy squirrel =), egg dying - im all about the holiday traditions, our eggs, not too shabby if you ask me, im going to kiss every abe in town, sometimes you have to be nuts even on your mission ;), cone head

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