Monday, April 8, 2019

Week 44: all about ABE

the weather here is so warm and im in love. i mean i dont have much news except this...I AM GOING TO DAYSHAWN'S AND KELLI'S WEDDING AND THEY ARE GOING TO LET US BE THE WITNESSES. THIS THURSDAY. CANT WAIT. i am just falling off my rocker about this because i am so excited. we had another great lesson and delicious meal with them. and wow they are so awesome. nora audrey says "im going to start asking more questions to make sure i am ready for my baptism" COOLEST 9 YEAR OLD EVER. last pday i went to abe lincolns tomb. this pday i went to the abe lincoln museum. you could say im his biggest fan. conference was definitely the highlight of the week. although none of the rumors i have been spreading came true so that was disappointing, LOL just jokes. but WOW can we talk about those talks i just loved them all. i highly recommend if you missed conference to go to watch it RIGHT NOW. i am so grateful for the revelation i received while watching it. here is one of my fave quotes. "I testify you are beloved. The Lord knows how hard you are trying. You are making progress. Keep going. Your work is not in vain. You are not alone." -Sharon Eubank. I just love how encouraging all the talks were. this life is RoUgH sometimes but we don't ever have to do it alone! Love, Sis Folk

here is more than 3 pics! youre welcome!
1. first kiss in 10 months! 2. Fave fam! Dayshawn and NoraAudrey :)) 3. Good lighting ;) 4. Bathroom pics @ the church 5. The best district exchange pics of each other. THE district will never be separated 
6. Springfield 2nd Ward Missionaries 7. Gifts from the Kelli and Nora Audrey<3 8. Kiss abe 1 more time ;) 9-10. the malibu locked us out 👍👍👍 so had to make the best of it. #heelclick

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