Monday, March 25, 2019

week 42: biking 20 miles for the LORD

another wonderful week for the books. here is how it all began, im about as good at budgeting our car miles as i am money. so we are over on miles and so we decided to borrow the STL's bikes to save miles. RIP. we had an appointment in a town that was approximately 8.6 miles away, we dont have the miles for that. so we decided we would bike. worst! idea! ever! we thought it would be super easy cuz ya know illinois is as flat as a pancake. but the wind was against and i swear we weren't moving and cars were zooming past us. so what our area book told us would be a 40 minute bike ride turned into 1 1/2 hour bike ride. and then we finally get there and our appointment isnt home. *tear rolls down face* BUT we decided to make the most of it and go knock some doors. we met two amazing ladies who were so kind and interested in the gospel! stay tuned. it all works out how its is supposed to. Heavenly Father knows what he is doing, so we dont regret the bike ride at all. except waking up the next day wow my butt hurt and i was exhausted all day. so shout out to all you missionaries without a car, keep chugging along. Heavenly Father knew i needed the car. Our appointment this week with Nora Audrey and Dayshawn sadly didn't happen because Nora Audrey got sick :( but they were both at church yesterday so that was the best ever!!! I also got to go on exchanges with Sister Jones my old comp and it was a party. Literally it was like hanging out with an old friend all day. not much else exciting happened this week. "Sometimes His power heals an infirmity, but the scriptures and our experiences teach that sometimes He succors or helps by giving us the strength or patience to endure our infirmities" -Pres. Oaks. i love this quote! our Savior isn't going to always just automatically solve our problems and relieve us from our trails! we would not learn that way! but he will ALWAYS give us the strength to endure, the key is that we reach out to Him. i love you all to the Mississippi River and back. approx 257 miles. thats a lot of love. sis folk 

pics: 1. sleepy bird on our bike ride 2. no problem a shake from arbys cant solve 3. biking through the pain and agony 4. sista jones <3 5. bumper to bumper! gotta love those elders =)

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