Monday, March 4, 2019

Week 39: 9 months in the MSLM womb, 9 to go

I hit my 9 month mark on February 30th (best day of the year) so that was exciting!! I can't believe im halfway done, honestly time has FLOWN BY. Picked up my new companion on Wednesday. Sister Van Amen from SLC UT. We are having a party already.
I think she likes me other than i've:
1. Almost ran a stop sign and got us T-Boned (good thing she was paying attention)
2. Almost slid off the road on the way to church #snowsfaultnotmine
3. Not almost, DID run into the median, the malibu is luckily A-okay.
Best mom award 🖐
But hey can ya blame me? I learned how to drive from Kim Folkman #roasted #srrymom
We had an amazing lesson with Nora, Audrey, and Dayshawn last night teaching them the Plan of Salvation. We invited them to be baptized on April 27th and they accepted!!! I am so excited to keep teaching them. Heavenly Father is blessing us so much already. Hard work pays off. i told you i would have more things to say this week but i dont, so sorry. here are some Illinois updates: -its still cold but its growing on me. praying for charity WORKS. -girl scout update: we knock on their doors now and they still get us to buy their cookies- they are too good. But got a return apt. so win win? been reading about Abinadi this week in Mosiah. I LOVE THAT GUY. he has taught me so much. that repenting is the best thing we can do, and that we can only repent because of Christ. he is the way to salvation. I am so grateful for my savior! I love you all! -sis folk

Pics: 1. HUMP DAY 2. sis norton (a sister in my district and me n her are so alike so we have fun together) 3. Girl scouts got us 4. Sister van amen 5. Sis shaffer!! 6. Pic from member

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