Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Week 40: young, dumb, and pork chops

Let me explain why I am young and dumb...
1. a man whose wife we were teaching "can you drive?" ***me in my head*** "no our mom dropped us off at this lesson"
2. getting called 17 more times then i cant count
3. this one is a doosey. We went to chickfila for a nice simple lunch. We sat in the corner and minded our own business when a man approaches us and starts to tell us everything we dont know about our religion (so kind of him i know) he goes "your young they havent taught you this yet" i personally wanted to use my kung fu and punch him in the face but i remembered i represent Jesus Christ so sis van amem and i kindly took a beating while enjoying some nugs. dont worry he didnt convince us of anything. What doesnt kill u makes you stronger. nice try dude i know whats true and you cant get me.
1. forgot to get gas saturday night... yep sunday was a fun day calculating how far we could go! Yay! I think i inhaled too much helium as a kid, Im lackin brain cells.
2. thought i was driving on a one way road so i was driving in the left lane and then sister van amen goes "i dont think this is a one way" im just waiting to get my driving privileges revoked.
BUT this week has been fantastic nonetheless!! had lunch with a member ... ate pork chops, had dinner 3 hours later with Nora Audrey and Dayshawn. Kelli (Nora's mom) made us the best mashed potatoes ive had in my entire life. wow i need that recipe. and she also made us fried pork chops, which i was nervous for but they were JUST AS GOOD AS THE TATERS. wow those were too good. we taught them the Gospel of Jesus Christ and they are just so prepared. I am starting to love it here in Chatham. gotta go through the hard to see the good. and i mean thats really true, if i didnt have last transfer i would be who i am right now. i love that Heavenly Father is in charge of my life not me because i would mess it up, but i also love that he gives us the chance to learn and choose for ourselves but that he hasnt left us alone. i am truly so grateful for the knowledge of my Savior and that i get to share his gospel with these amazing people. I am grateful for trials. girl scout cookie update: they knock on our door now. we were getting ready to leave and a little girl knocks on our door. I JUST CANT SAY NO !!! I LOVE YOU ALL A LOT! sis folk :))

pictures! Most the sistas i came out with at zone conference, Girl scouts, Ronnie pass off to Elders,  Snow one day 50 degrees the next 👍👍,  driving??, A sleepy racoon who loves drinking cherry koolaid! 


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