Thursday, February 28, 2019

Week 38: my revival+having a child...WUT?

What a week. Here's what happening. We had texted a former person taught and asked if he would be interested in meeting with us again. He said sure meet me at this church at this time on this day. And we were like SWEET someone wants to talk to us. so we show up on the day he said too and he had invited us to a PENTACOSTAL REVIVAL. Shady little guy. We thought we were just going to have a nice bible study with him but he had invited us to the revival and it was too late to turn around because everyone was already talking to us and so we took a seat. They had a big hottub in the back warming up for people who wanted to get baptized. (Lowkey just wanted to jump in for the hottub effect) And it was just SO WHACKY. Experience of a lifetime, but never going back. We got a call from President yesterday. And I will be training a brand new missionary. I'm gunna be a mother (mission lingo for those who do not know, im a momma and my new comp will be my baby) cant wait to show her what IL has to offer!!! CORN FIELDS! WALMART! SLEEPING ANIMALS! OH MY! SHE IS GUNNA LOVE IT. =) But really i am so excited a new perspective is just what Chatham/Springfield needs!!! Miracles are on the horizon stay tuned. My week like my good old friend sister anne butt was Meh as well. Lots of knocking lots of people not being home. But as i was reading in Mosiah 7:33 "But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage". Not that missionary work is bondage... but well ya know, let me be honest, sometimes you just reach the point of not wanting to knock on doors anymore. But I know that as i continue to do his will, he will deliver me out of my trials or give me the strength i need to complete all that he asks. I know thats true because WOW have i experienced it. He knows us. He knows how to help us. He knows what is best for us, even when we dont know what is best for ourselves. Im grateful for trials because i am growing so much!!!! Sorry not much to report on. I promise ill be more exciting next week. All my love + some more, <3 sis folk

pics!!!! 1. I made a cake for all of our month marks. Pretty impressive if u ask me 2. Me and sis dunyon :) 3. Me and my girl sis beal LOVE HER. 4. Found the Church's exhibit under the arch 5. What a VIEW 6,7. THE ARCH 
8. PDay!


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