Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Week 35: abe lincoln town

hi everyone. Sometimes its -40 and then two days later its 59 degrees. THATS ONE BIG QUESTION MARK FOR ME. how does that happen?????? But for all wondering i survived the arctic blast and i am so grateful for pants. #blessedsistermissionarylife. this week was similar to last, knock doors all day every day and the blessing pay off on sunday. we started teaching 3 new people yesterday and i am SO excited. the work is moving along here in Springfield and Sister Folkman is learning patience. Recently realized one of my favorite things about being a missionary is how much i get to testify of the Savior and his gospel. On hundreds of doorsteps i get to proclaim what i love so much about this gospel. I get to share the book that has changed my life with complete strangers. WOW now thats cool. And even cooler i dont even care if they dont want to listen! (Of course thats ideal) but i get to grow closer to my Savior either way! I was studying a talk from Elder Holland this week and he said "the more we are suffering the closer we are to our Savior because he suffered it all." Or something like that. It was pretty profound. Im out here learning all kinds of amazing things. #gome #teamjesus. GOOD READS: •we were walking up to a house and through the window a man shouts "go away my dog with bite you!!" Gotta love it. •we knock on a lady's door and she says to come in. we go in and she is all old and we ask her name and she says "what are you doing in my house if you dont know my name?" well 1. You invited us in 2. Missionary life we go into lots of houses where we dont know their names hahahah. Also Springfield is Abe Lincolns home town and everyone loves him here. So i was on exchanges with Sister Wencel this week and we took some dope pics ill attach below. All is good in the hood. Keep praying, keep slaying. Much love. sis folk :)) p.s. my trainer goes home this transfer! So that is crazy! It means im getting old in the mission!

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