Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Week 34: 1:100

that subject is definitely what they call a ratios folks. what does it stand for? Ill let you decide.
-the weather i was in vs. the weather i wish i was in
-the number of mental breakdowns compared to doors knocked on (pretty good ratio if you ask me)
-the number of new people we found to teach vs. the number of rejections
-the number of fruits and veggies i ate vs. the amount of chocolate i ate.... stress =)
if you are thinking all are correct. you are RIGHT.

we had zone conference this week. always a blessing. and just what i needed to prepare me for the week ahead. President talked about looking forward with an eye of faith. "our foundation of our faith is through his word... its his work, it always has been... turn to the things that will build our faith" . "we are anchored to that which is immovable-the word of God". AND BOY DID I NEED THIS. im not kidding when i say all we did this week was knock on doors, some tracting, trying potentials, some more tracting, trying some formers. the nerd came out in me and i even made this dope poster mapping out our area and where we can conquer. but it was SO frustrating and i was super impatient with the Lord if im being honest (and i might as well be because lying is a sin and i already have to repent enough). anyway nothing was happening. people were not interested in:
1. opening the door (which just if ur trying to ghost someone on ur front porch dont look through the window its pretty obvious.)
2. listening to us
3. being KIND. what happened to nice people in the world. sis dunyon and i are gunna start a rejection hot line. 

okay im done complaining now: but i had to set the scene for what i learned. I LEARNED HOW MUCH MORE I LOVE AND NEED THE SCRIPTURES. i literally could not have made it through this week without the Book of Mormon. it is truly immovable (and helped my faith become that way) and because of that book i stayed sane and truly know how to look forward in faith not fear. then a MIRACLE on the last day. we were tracting last night and the spirit led us to a specific trailer and we knocked on the door and the man didnt even let me finish my sentence and we were able to set a return appointment for tonight. we FINALLY have someone to teach guys :)) Heavenly Father is so aware of his children in Chatham, IL.. myself included. he knew exactly what i needed to experience this week. i trust in His timing and i have re-dedicated myself to be more patient and wait for the blessings. anyway this was more like one of my journal entires hope you enjoyed. happiest last week of january . sis folk💖💖💖 (a growing and pretty mentally stable sister missionary) #knockingondoorsbuildscharacter

Piks: 1. me and elder ferrin (idk why my face is so worried looking, dont worry im fine) 2. Coldness =) 3. worst news ever :(...Where am i supposed to get married now ???? 4. dope poster

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