Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Week 31: if you dont read my emails, LOOK AT THE PICTURE

hey folks its me again. a pant wearing sister missionary. someone must have turned up the heat in missouri cuz one day it was 19 degrees, and yesterday it was 65 and i was THRIVING. too bad i didnt have my avalon pool to tan by because im pretty sure the UV index was off the charts. this is the last week of the transfer and i AM PRAYING im staying. learned a lot this week. 1. STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE. had a lesson with a very interesting lady who basically told us that our hearts deceive us and we need facts to back up our testimonies... but the joke was on her because the spirit manifested to me so strongly the things that i believe. i know this church is SO true and that bom is SO true and so amazing. it has been my strength the past 7 months and the answers to all my prayers. so me and sis shaff literally ran out of the apartment building and dropped this women and we felt much better. 2. YOU ARE LOVED AND YOU ARE IMPORTANT. i have talked to a couple different people since being here and they dont value their life and they dont see the importance of it. its one of my favorite parts of being a missionary. being able to tell these people that their life is important and Heavenly Father and their Savior love them. and YOU. but i just know how true it is, because i have felt the power and love through my calling. LOVE IT. all my love plus some more sis folk

Pics: 1. TROPHY PRIZE. we may have been 3 minutes late to ward council but it was worth it because a SLEEPING DEER. Who knew deer sleep with their eyes open? Not me. 2. PANT GANG. cant do that in a dress. 3. new years eve by myself #martinellis wahoo

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