Monday, February 11, 2019

Week 36: girl scouts-1 missionaries-0

W et
I cy
N o one outside
T racting
E veryone thinks we are crazy
R eally cold but really GOOD

Winter in Illinois as a missionary =) This week was full of MIRACLES !!!! We had a prompting on Tuesday to go tracting at a certain apartment complex and so we did and we were able to find 3 new people to teach! One of them is name Michele and she is so prepared. She is now on date to be baptized on March 30th !!!! All the rejection for the one person who wants to follow Christ is SO worth it. Church got canceled again so I haven't had relief society since December and wow I miss it !! Our cars also got grounded yesterday because of ice and snow so that means a lot of walking in the cold but that also means = more character. Im all about that character building. The girl scouts are out here knocking doors with us. I swapped one a box of samoas for a Book of Mormon. (She lucked out cuz mine wasnt free and isnt going to give me salvation. But thats okay.) For some reason people dont think the girl scouts are crazy for selling cookies in the cold but if its us sharing the gosple they think we escaped the nut house. I cannot even count how many times someone answered the door this week and said "you picked a cold day to do this" Us: "ya we do this everyday, thanks for telling us its cold we didnt know" Jk we just smile and wave boys. Just finished reading 2 Nephi this morning. I absolutely love the doctrine of Christ and how throughout the book you can see when they break the doctrine and become prideful and they think they can do everything by themselves. My FAVE part is when Nephi testifies in the last couple of chapters. It is so powerful. Verse 30 is an all time fave. "Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life" As we focus on Christ and live his doctrine we will find true JOY and everything else will fall into place. I invite you to do sacrifice something this week that will bring you closer to Christ, to more fully put Him and his doctrine first in your life. I know you will see miracles and blessings if you do. (study 2 Nephi 31-33 for extra bonus points). I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! sis folk =) Ps. Tell Elsa i want summer back

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