Monday, October 29, 2018

Week 21: squirrels r powerful

hey fanz, its me again ... ur local sister missionary. Well semi-local.. only a couple states away... here are some updates
•MIKE: so idk if i have told you guys how much mike loves squirrels before but he LOVES them. He feeds them everyday at 2:00 and has been doing it for 15 years. I started writing down his quotes about squirrels so ask me in a quick 13ish months and ill read them all to you. BUT anyways sis jones decided we needed to teach to his needs and what he loved. Isnt it awesome that Heavenly Father knows us each individually and cares about the desires of our hearts. I just LOVE that even talking about a squirrel i was able to feel Heavenly Fathers love for Mike. Pretty legit. Keep yall posted about it.
•i finished the BofM, LOVE THAT BOOK. go read it RN. serious drop what ur doing and read a verse. LOVE YALL LOTS. <3 SIS FOLK :))

PIKS: 1. happy halloweenie round two 2. Halloween Trick or Treating downtown. Perfect for street contacting. A pic of us sharing the gospel with a dino cuz no one else would listen 3-5.THE BOOK OF MORMON PICS: a series of unfortunate events...**me street contacting**..."Hey i have this book... ever heard of it?..... its really good...... you can have it.... oh your not interested? ...... ok bye". 6. Dinner at members house 7-8. a really pretty lake like wow for a second i didnt think i was in Missouri

Monday, October 22, 2018

Week 20: sleeping squirrel XD

WOW what a week. heres what went down:
•Sis Beal got transferred and so did a piece of my heart.
•I met and shook the hand of AN APOSTLE OF THE LORD IN THE FLESH. Literally best day of my entire life. I learned so much from him. One of my favorite things that is said is that when I see the Lord he will embrace me because I started my discipleship in the Missouri St. Louis Mission. How cool is that?? He invited us to find the people that are not the normal. It was really cool. He wants us to know the youth and their friends. The youth are so important to the work in these last days!! He testified of Christ and boy was it amazing to hear. The spirit was so strong with him!! I know Christ lives and i know he loves me and all of you!!!! Seriously so cool to be in the presence of Elder Anderson. Truly dont know how to put what i felt into words. All i know is that the church is true.
•my new comp !!!! Sister Jones... she is from kaysville UT and is AWESOME. We have only been together one day but we get along real well and are going to work really well together :)).
Other updates:
•i learned how to cook chicken #lifeskills
•on friday i had pumpkin spice cheerios for breakfast, pumpkin spice pancakes for lunch, and a pumpkin spice tea for snack time (but dont worry no actual tea in it) so u could say im living the fall life right.
•i am now the designated driver. YIKES. I havent driven in like 5 months and the first time i drive is around St. Louis at night on a saturday... RIP. We survived and the driving is goin good now. anywho short email becuz lazy. xoxo happy halloweenie. <3sis folk :))

piczzzz: 1. Came across a sleepin squirrel animals out here are TIRED 2. Behind the scenes of facebook proselyting 3. Me with the CUTEST CAT EVER. 4. how to take a foto when there are only 2 of u #annafotostipsandtricks 5. Bundled up for some nightly tracting 6.Me and mom's high school friend Missy Call  7. The Johns 8. Me and sis B.  Srry dont have any pics with sis jones yet.. next week !!! 

Monday, October 15, 2018

Week 19: sleeping racoon

Not gunna sugar coat it this week was pretty rough. Some updates:
》we went back to visit Kerri and her family and only her husband is there. From what we gathered it sounds like she is in jail and the kids are gone. Idk honestly but we were pretty disappointed and shocked.
》kevin wasnt interested in our message as much as he was "the messengers" (his own words in fact.) So we referred him to the elders real quick.
》mike likes meeting with us but isnt interested in baptism ????? Y tho.
So pretty much everyone we were working with has peaced out or isnt interested so :( . So we obviously had a BOATLOAD of time to go finding this week. Which we did everydayyyyyyyy except everyday no one was interested. So ya!!!! If you arent feeling bad for me by now its time to start!!! Nah im just kidding its all part of the work. But here is what i am learning:
Mosiah 7:33 "But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage." I know that the Lord is preparing so many peoples hearts in Columbia and if I continue to stay obedient I will find them. I have seen in the past 4 months that if I serve everyday to represent my Savior Jesus Christ and put all my trust in Him, then I will be the missionary I desire to be and my Heavenly Father wants me to be. even if no one wants to talk to me (which is completely crazy im FUN) Some less depressing updates !!!
》jhon (the seventh day adventist) had a lesson with him and he read all of 1 nephi in just one week and he LOVED it! We were shook. We taught the plan of salvation and he lowkey was tryin to bible bash us the whole lesson because (im pretty sure) adventist take the bible LITERALLY. So it was hard to teach him (especially because he was on a website googling scriptures) ***cheater. But at the end of the lesson we thought he was dropping us but then he asked for a return appointment. So maybe he just likes to talk about Christ with us but we know just like conference when brother bowen said "We are gathering Israel for the last time and are doing so with the Book of Mormon—a book that, combined with the Spirit of the Lord, is the most powerful tool of conversion." So we are hoping that if jhon continues to read his heart will be softened eventually. Keep ya posted. #cliffhanger #keepinreadersinterestedsinceMay30
》Sauna Apt----> Ice Box Apt. NOT READY FOR WINTER.
》transfers are this weekend PRAY SIS BEALS STAYS WITH ME
》the best tacos ive ever eaten are here
》i am still ReCkLeSs even as a missionary i guess cuz i let my companion dye my hair....... it looks good kinda. #memories? Much love<3 Sis Folk :))

pIcS !!! 1. Elder clegg died this transfer #rip 2. my district 3. Came across a sleeping racoon!!! Luckily he didnt wake up 4-5. Me and Sis B 6-8. Happy Halloweenie!! 9. Us trying to be healthy :-)

Monday, October 8, 2018

Week 18: happy fallidays!!!

I watched TV for 10 hours this weekend wbu?? ( no but really this was the first time in 19 years i havent fell asleep while watching conference... hmmmm idk if i should admit that as a missionary but OH WELL #proud ). But WOW wasnt conference amazing!!!! I'll get to that in a minute. Updates:
》Taught kerri and her husband this week!! We invited them to be baptized and they both said yes and and then we invited them to be baptized on Nov. 17th and they said they would pray about it. It was a super cool lesson though the spirit was crazy strong. At one point Kerri said "I can feel Jesus in the room right now" LIKE SAME. She continued to tell us that she has never let anyone come over before but when we came up to her that day in the park she knew it was for a reason so she said yes. GOD IS GOOD.
》John: crazy knowledge about the Bible. He started going of on the tangent and I really seriously tried my hardest to follow but I was LOST. My listening skillz are getting NICE out here in MO because boy do people like to tell you their entire life story.
》found out that brown recluse spiders are poisonous... i thought they were just big. Love living in #spiderville
》ive eaten more pulled pork then ive ever eaten in my life thus far #plzsendchicken
》fall is SO PRETTY HERE. Pink n orange trees everywhere. Sis Fotowoman is in HEAVEN. #samsungj7prime #almostasgoodasifone7
》whoever said humidity is good for your skin is a liar 

here is my conference take away: I loved that almost every talked spoke about staying on the covenant path, relying on Christ, and taking his name upon us. We have different struggles and we all definitely feel inadequate but because of Christ there is JOY in our trials. If we truly take his name upon us and truly glorify him in everything we do I know that it will change our lives because Christ does not leave us comfortless. I know that when we pray it brings down the revelation we need to focus our lives on Christ. I know that the words spoken to us this weekend are from our Heavenly Father. I am so excited to start serving more out of love instead of fear of not being enough and to see the people I talk with as God sees them. Wahoo conference was just the best I would love to know all of your own opinions and take aways :)). Plz send pumpkin spice and anything nice to 4812 Apt B. East Schooner Rd. Columbia MO 65201 #whitegirlsinneed. Stay safe, say your scriptures, read your prayers, and dont forget to send packages to como ! ;-). All my love (except not all of it cuz gotta save some for the folk in MO), sis folk :)) 

Pics: 1. Spiderville 2.the white house i think 3. The park where we pick up new people to teach every week & sis beal  4. Monsters university or missouri university??

Monday, October 1, 2018

Week 17: A Novel By: Me

So good news!!!! Edward (the super solid guy we picked up) doesnt live in our area!!!! So we passed him off to the elders!!!! But actually if u catch the sarcasm its super sad cuz we cant teach him anymore. But its ok cuz he will still learn either way :)) prolly be baptized too tbh. #onlyalittlebitter #illsurvive. So more good news!!!! We got locked out of our apartment and car for 3 hours!!! Super good times. The car and house keys fell out of sis beals bag inside and so we get to the car and we say "oh no" so if you were wondering sitting on asphalt in MO on hot day for 3 hours, is not an ideal past time. We did A LOT of finding this week but i got some cool stories ill share: (some real good news). So after we were able to get our car keys back ( God bless the elders ) we went to an apartment complex and knocked on probably like 30 doors and got rejected by all and one guy was super rude #lovedit. So it had been a rough day too say the least . It was 8:30pm but we were determined to find someone new so we decided to go back to the same apartments and try again and someone actually wanted to talk with us finally!!! His name is john. #40doorslater Keep yall posted about him. It was a happy ending to a #roughday ;-). So we had about 40 minutes in between appointments and decided to go tracting. We get to this neighborhood and parked on the side of the road and i look around. i see this guy that is a little sketch and he is giving us interesting looks. So i say to sis b "dont look now but there is a sketch dude across the street" but of course she looks, hehe. Then he turns and i see a GUN and i say "OH FLIP LETS SKRRT OUTTA HERE" so idk this may be dramatized for affect but it was actually pretty scary. #MOlivin so ANYWAY we drive to another neighborhood and start knockin. Prolly 20 doors later and we decide to knock on one last door before we leave. And WOW miracle we met an amazing teenage girl named Mia!!! LAST STORY STAY WITH ME: so we decided to be ambitious and do a leg workout (RIP) AND that was friday and tbh im still strugglin to walk. But we walked A LOT the day after that workout and haha i wanted a new pair of legs :-) but we we had to walk to the park we usually find at instead of driving (i know im privileged) and it was a StRuGgLe. But we found a really awesome lady named kerry and have a lesson with her this week too. So all in all it was worth the pain. So idk these stories may seem insignificant to you but to me they proved again to me how aware Heavenly Father is aware of us and our efforts. Sis Beal and I have been struggling to find new progressing people to teach. But because we worked super hard and gave it our all, Heavenly Father led us to the people that were prepared and he taught us to not give up and to keep going. And who knows if any of these will go anywhere but i have a feeling they will cuz me n sis beal got CRAZY FAITH. Well folks if u made it this far, i luv u. Idk if you all got to see my facebook post about why i wear the badge or why i keep moving forward after getting yelled at, rejected, etc. But i wanted to share my testimony with you all about how my life has changed since i opened my call :)). My life has changed since I have gotten my call because I more fully understand the bigger picture. I understand that Heavenly Father has a bigger plan, not only for me but for every single one of his children individually. I understand that true happiness and true joy does not come from worldly things but it comes from the Gospel of Jesus Christ and looking outside of ourselves and serving others. It comes when we are truly striving to become like Jesus Christ. I have become more of the person Heavenly Father and Christ want me to be. I understand what is truly important in life. My life has changed because I know how to have charity for people I would have normally never talked to, to be patient with all those I come in contact with, and more diligent if everything I do. My life changed because I know understand and WANT to fulfill my purpose and calling I have on this earth. I am changed because I understand the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Without Christ I would be nothing and there would be no joy in my life. He gives me strength to continuing moving forward even if may seem impossible. He is my Savior and my Redeemer and I am so grateful I get to be a representative of him every single day. Im sorry this is a novel but lets he honest, its worth the read ;-). Stay safe, stay cool, and dont forgot to prepare for general conference this weekend !!! Xoxo sis folk<3 

Pics: On a hike for a good pic to post on facebook ;-), cleaned out our closet and found some gems, Funny shirts we found shopping, Me and Sis B

She's Home!!