Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Week 74: columbia is my home. . . . bye home

okay fans, well i have to say is that my heart is broken again and i am leaving columbia and i kinda already knew that but my heart still hurts. sis west and i drove home last night jamming to our favorite EFY song but its really hard to sing and enjoy the song when we both had tears rolling down our cheeks. im going to miss this girl so much, Heavenly Father is so amazing and knew i needed her in my life and this point in my mission cuz i couldnt of done the last 3 months without her. she is a baller. quick updates one last time for my favorite people: SCOTTIE: we were finally able to meet with him and it was so cool. we taught him the word of wisdom and he goes "why didnt you teach me this sooner?" and then he told us he had a testimony of joseph smith and it was so flippin cool ! he told us how cordell's football ends this next week so he can start coming to church and then he will pick his baptism date! it has been so incredible to teach him and to watch the spirit testify of the truths we teach him. he is slowly becoming converted to Christ and his restored gospel and its just a really amazing miracle ive been able to witness. ADRIAN: we taught him about temples and eternal families. he loved it and goes "this is so great........i need this" thats all. he is the most elect. i know i already said that but he is. all i have to say is im starting my last transfer, and i cry so much thats why missouri is not in a drought. 6 more weeks to give everything to my Savior. i cant wait for one last adventure in Missouri... maybe illinois ... hopefully missouri. this is lame im not sorry i have to go to chick fil a. all my love for 40 more days then ill give you all a hug (just because im counting down doesnt mean im trunky for those of you that think that, i just love my family)

Pics: 1. Bailey hoskins a member that has just been my best friend my whole mission 2. I went hottubbing on halloween :-)  3. The zone.... rip the elder in the dress  4. Tried to be artsy but im too busy minded to stay still 5. Me on a log dont want to leave 6. My best friend i love her :((((((

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