Monday, November 11, 2019

Week 75: worth the read?

I finally made it to the city.... kinda south of the city but i made it. Currently serving in Oakville MO with Sister Carter. she just finished training and has lots of energy and im hype to see what we accomplish this transfer. I know this is exactly where the Lord needs me, i looked at the paper at transfers and the spirit said basically "this is where you need to be".  it was just an overwhelming feeling of peace, which i usually never have on transfer day. President Bell looked and Sister Carter and I and said "this is powerful". tears just filled my eyes again because the spirit again just brought me so much peace. I guess i needed a lot of confirmation that i need to be here because its hard folks. Honestly was super homesick the first couple of days. Not for utah tho ironically. LOLZ for columbia i just say WOW transfers are trash and i miss all my people and friends and sister west. But i also am so overwhelmed here with all there is to do and blah blah blah missions are hard! Check the box kids! Soooo my last night in COMO was one to remember, we had dinner at the Ti'a's and they invited over the other members in the neighborhood and we had a little going away party for me. I've never felt more loved and appreciated. All these amazing member families have truly become some of my favorite people. God is good. Then we had our last lesson with Lil' Jayden. I love that boy so much!! This lesson was just a tear jerker for me, jayden has grown so much the past 3 1/2 months ish and he is grasping onto everything we teach. I was so sad to tell him i wouldnt be at his baptism! But one last time I testified to him that i know Jesus Christ lives and that he knows us individually. It was cooler in the moment wish you could've been there sorry. I cried because thats what i do, im going to miss them. Oakville has been an adventure to say the least ! Kinda lowkey feel like i walked into a little bit of a mess but thats okay! Fix it felix!! ***hammer bang x2***** The highlight of my time in Oakville this far, my bed is the same squishyness as a wooden floor so thats been cool! I decided to get the couch cushion (luckily its on long cushion as long as a bed.. almost, my footies hang off, but sadly not as wide) and fix it felix myself a new bed. i put sheets on it and everything, it looks likes princess and the pea and its not half bad! Oh and took my first shower and the water pressure when you live on the 3rd floor of the apartment complex.. amazing. impeccable. wouldnt trade ice cold drip drops (literally) to condition my hair for anything. DESPITE ALL MY COMPLAINING YIKES (im just being real tho) IM HAPPY TO BE HERE SISTER BAHR IS MY STL YAY plus sister carter and i have set epic transfer goals to work super hard & give the Lord everything so cant complain about that! Heres a cool miracle tho!!!! I am sick of knocking on doors!!! Classic i know! But i just know members are the way to find the ELECT. Soooooo im so determined to get into all their homes. We got to teach 2 of the sweetest less active families this past sunday night. One family has a little boy who is nine and not baptized and we are going to start teaching them lessons so they can increase their faith and help them come back to church ! The other family is inviting their friends over next sunday ! It was just a super big tender mercy for me because we had been knocking door after door since i got here and i knew it wasnt working at allllllll but Heavenly Father always blesses us when we work hard and trust him. Here i'm gunna throw in a spiritual thought because i dont wanna be a total dOwNeR ! Its actually a quote super applicable to myself right now, but maybe one of you needs it too! Its from "The Joy of the Saints" by Elder Christofferson Oct. 2019 conference. Its actually a quote quoted in the talk *$☆▪¤ inception. •••••"Problems will come into all of our lives; it’s part of just being here upon this earth. And some people think that religion or having faith in God will protect you from bad things. I don’t think that’s the point. I think the point is that if our faith is strong,that when bad things happen, which they will, we’ll be able to deal with them… My faith never wavered, but that didn’t mean that I didn’t have depressions. I think for the first time in my life, I was pushed to the limit, and literally there was nowhere to turn, and so I turned to the Lord, and to this day, I feel a spontaneity of joy." I love when he says "literally there was nowhere to turn, and so I turned to the Lord". Gosh can you believe how much Heavenly Father loves us?? He sent us his only begotten Son so that when we feel so utterly alone we can turn to him. And he will lift us up. Always. But we must first have faith and believe that its possible. I know it is because I've experienced it before. But right now my faith is lacking, time to ReChArGe it !!!!! Christ is with us 100% of the time but sometimes we turn from him. Don't do that !!!! Choose Jesus Christ because that is when joy can come from our trials ! Crap sorry this is a novel.... or if you like reading my emails... your welcome ;-) OH YA I GET HOME ON DECEMBER 16TH AT 1PM OR SOMETHING EMAIL ME IF YOU WANT TO BE AT THE AIRPORT. Virtual hugs and kisses, Sis folk

Pen pals for 5 more weeks? 4220 summit knolls dr. #k st. Louis MO 63146

Pics: 1. Fitzs is in my area tho so blessed 2. Sis carter and i because we havent taken any pics yet so this is what you get oops 3. Just 4 really sad girls on a sunny columbia morning. I miss my pals 
5. aprons a member made us. other photos of the amazing members and jayden. LOVE THEM SO MUCH

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