Monday, November 18, 2019

Week 76: Throw kindness around like confetti :)) xd !*$&@×££$×£+

Okay wow i reread my last weekly email ---- WHAT A SAD EMAIL. But i guess you can count on me to tell the truth? Well i have good news!!!!! This email will be a lot brighter/happier!!!! Because this week was so amazing and its so crazy how a mindset/positive attitude/the right focus can change everything ! thanks for the pep talk mom and dad :))))) DISCLAIMER PROBABLY ANOTHER NOVEL

• told a member during a lesson he should take his names from family search to the bathroom. (thats what i get for zoning out i guess)
• tracted into and active member of the bishopric and asked if he had heard of the church before. I am still so embarrassed. #imnewhere
For my future teacher resume: we have a recent convert who is 10 (shout out to sis west for baptizing her, did i mention im in her old area. ya its pretty cool #compunitystill) and so we go over to have a lesson and 2 different families live at this house so its kinda chaotic and we were sitting on the stairs to teach MacKenzie and then there is all of sudden 6 children sitting at our feet and my inner teacher came out and i said "okay who likes challenges?" And of course they all say "me, me, me" and i say "okay lets see if you can all be quiet for 4 minutes." (Little do they know we have a 4 minute restoration lesson we practice for door approaches) hehe so sneaky. Long story short they sit quiet and we teach them all this short lesson and Jared who is MacKenzie's 12 year old brother (and had told us earlier he wasnt a church person) agreed to sit in on the lesson. he listened and watched us so intently. after the lesson his eyes were just filled with light of Christ and he was asking us all these questions. Cant wait to go back and teach him more! Miracle #1.
We also accidentally found a part member family which was a blessing from above. We went to visit a lady who we thought was less active but wasnt and she said "oh you must be here for my husband" but we werent but it was the best because we met him and whammy we started teaching him! Miracle #2. 
Sister Carter is honestly my favorite. She is so witty and its the best because she is SO FUNNY without even trying. We were driving down the road and she points to a church and goes "sorry but that church is ugly" it was probably one of those you had to be there moments but she was totally serious and i just laughed so hard. Well if you cant tell im doing better, my pity party is over and ive adjusted. But it isnt about me DUH still learning 17 1/2 months later. Its about my Savior Jesus Christ who I get to continue to represent for a few more weeks. And i want to give him my all. SPIRITUAL UPLIFT: The Savior's Touch Oct. 2019 conference-- SO GOOD READ IT. His request was simple: “Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.” The leper did not make his request in a pretentious or demanding manner. His words reveal a humble attitude, with high expectations but also with a sincere desire that the will of the Savior be done. This is an example of the attitude with which we should come unto Christ. We can come unto Christ with the certainty that His desire currently is and always will be the best for our mortal and eternal lives. He has an eternal perspective that we do not have. We must come unto Christ with a sincere desire that our will be swallowed up in the will of the Father, as His was. This will prepare us for eternal life. I've had the most joy when i finally have understood and been able to turn my whole will over to my Father because he knows better than I do. Joy lasts even in trials and tribulations because joy comes from Jesus Christ. "Joy comes from and because of Him. He is the source of all joy. We feel it at Christmastime when we sing, “Joy to the world, the Lord is come.” And we can feel it all year round. For Latter-day Saints, Jesus Christ is joy!" -president nelson from Joy and Spiritual Survival April 2016 ---- also really good. Whelp you better get off gmail and hop on over to gospel library and start reading. Sincerely, Sis folk

Pics: 1-2 leaf raking for people :)))) 3. Exchanges with my best friend sis bahr  4. The tri at zone conf 5. If ya know you know. #culvers

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