Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Week 68: srry its boring this week

well transfers have come and i am staying in columbia with sis west !!! my first companion for 2 transfers besides training. i am so pumped. by the end of this transfer i will have spent 10 1/2 combined months in the glorious city of Columbia. i am one lucky duck. i love this place!!! well let me begin: something so amazing that our mission has been doing is praying all together at 6:30. all the missionaries and all the members that are awake, pray for us to be able to find the elect, the people that are searching for peace in their lives. sister west and i have seen the blessings and miracles come from this!!!! we pulled into this neighborhood, and saw a man standing there. we felt like we needed to go talk to him so we parked and got out to go talk to him. we bore our testimonies of the book of mormon. it was just one of those moments i want to bottle up and save forever - being able to walk up to total strangers and be like hey this book changed my life. anyway his name is adrian and we came back and taught him the restoration and he was so invested and it was amazing. he just kept telling us that he knows he was suppose to meet us and he wants direction and peace in his life. he literally is the elect. i love this work more than anything.  we also got a referral for this super prepared just so amazing family. she is a single mom with a 18 and 6 year old and they were so invested in our message and then came to church and loved it. they are just seeking direction and want to have peace. sadly they are not in our area. :( but it has been so amazing to just see the Lord lead us to people who actually want to listen to us and aren't just being nice and letting us come over cuz they feel bad for us lol. that angels are literally preparing hearts in columbia missouri and the Lord is so willing to lead us to them. the gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives and its so amazing to watch it change mine and the people's i am able to teach. Heres a good chuckle. We made a questions of the soul poster board to try a new finding tactic and set up on a corner downtown like a real missionary. It was such a fail but it was a fun adventure to see different ways of how people can reject you. My favorite was when a lady saw us and put on a huge smile and i asked her if she would be interested and she kept on smiling and walked right on by. What a savage. It was a wonderful time. No one can kill my joy and confidence in the gospel! Love you all, Sis folk

Pics: 1. Marcia from Columbia! 2. Animals that arent sleeping!!! 3. Scottie and courtney :))
4. Food bank crew 5. Our fail poster board 6-11. pday with Sisters and Bri!/Mizzou

Monday, September 16, 2019

Week 67: Chihuahua that deserves a sign

Here I am, once again breathing in once again.......... mission veil is to real... i cant finish the theme song to victorious... rip im dedicated to the Lord. #success. my lovely family has reminded me that 3 months from this day i will be flying home. What a freakin terrifying thought. Its almost spooky season so ill chalk my fear up to that. Well it was another wonderful week here in the great 'show me state' i really really really have grown to love it here and the people oh my gosh i love the people. My heart is so big! I dont remember (as always) of i have talked about Jayden the 9 year old we are teaching..his gma is primary president. Well anyway he is just the cutest thing and wants to be baptized so bad ! So we have been working with him and his friend grant. They both came to church today and got their own CTR rings which they were more than hype about. (Its the little things ya know?)  A THRILLER! (pre halloween horror story) We had some sisters struggling to find new people to teach so sis west and i along with the columbia sisters road tripped out to the boonies to knock up some doors ! Well RIP sis west and I ended up in a large trailer park with these SUPER long driveways. But ive never felt more like a missionary ***☆movie moment☆*** my claim to fame*** walkin from trailer to trailer
Walks up.....**sees no trespassing sign** turns around....
Walks up...**sees boarded up windows**
turns around...
Walks up...**"beware of dog"**
turns around....
Walks up **cant quite make out what the sign says** oh awesome it just says 'no smoking' so we continue walking until we see these 2 BEASTS. and by beasts i mean small chihuahua's with teeth probably as sharp as a cutco knife. And they just start freakin BARKING. And then sis west starts running and one chases her and THEN one comes to me and im literally just jumping screaming bloody murder and wow i WISH someone would have got this on camera because it was a sight to see. But we got safely away but WOW it was terrifying.
Then we finished the street but have to walk past the same trailer to get back to the car and all of a sudden BAM. He is literally right behind us again..sis west takes off part 2 and i literally just screech at the satanic dog "GO AWAY!" that got him. Dont miss with this sweaty gal in a skirt.
Dogs- 0
Wow i know your adrenaline is pumping... here's a study thought to calm it down.
I was reading in Jacob 4 and in verse 13 it says "Behold, my brethren, he that prophesieth, let him prophesy to the understanding of men; for the Spirit speaketh the truth and lieth not. Wherefore, it speaketh of things as they really are, and of things as they really will be; wherefore, these things are manifested unto us plainly, for the salvation of our souls. But behold, we are not witnesses alone in these things; for God also spake them unto prophets of old." I looked up what the words plain and truth meant. Plain was defined as clearly revealed to the mind, not elaborate, and visibly clear. Truth was define as worthy to be depended on. I love this, the gospel is so clearly revealed to us and truth is always truth! You can depend on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Book of Mormon because they are true! Love you all byeeeeeeee, Sis folky

Pics: Sorry for the lack of picturessss. 1. Exchanges w Sis Kelly- the girls a hoot it was the funniest day 2. Not an ifone 7 but my samsung j7 caught some of the beauty 3. Bri our BFF

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Week 66: Less than 100 daiz

Well here i am trying to write another group email... only like 14 left! We had MLC this past tuesday, then exchanges, then gave 6 hours of trainings wahoo- it felt like groundhog day, and then we had president interviews and ALSO we volunteered at the football this saturday (im one lucky duck that got to do it two years in a row). anywho not that any of you care about my business but oddly if you did here was an explanation! here are some highlights:
MLC: President Bell talked to us how about everything, every principle we teach is related back to the Atonement of Jesus Christ. It all goes back to Christ because that is where our strength comes from. Baptism for the remission of sins is not possible without our Savior. I cannot explain how grateful i am for the testimony i have gained of the Atonement of Christ.
EXCHANGES: Sister Greer and I had an amazing lesson with Tiffany! She is a mom that i have talked about (i think?) She was the first door we knocked on and she is so prepared. We shared the restoration and not going to lie it was a little rough but the moment we recited the first vision the spirit was so strong and tiffany just looked at us and said "wow". i love sharing the first vision because every time my testimony of Joseph Smith is strengthened so much. We are going to go teach her and her kids on thursday! INTERVIEWS: i had a wonderful interview with President Bell and i just love how much he cares and shows it to us. He also needed some lunch-- so i had gotten him Wendy's before so i said "i know your order president dont worry" -- so he went into another interview with the missionary-- but then i said oh no i forgot what sauce he wants so i barged into the interview and said "wait president what kind of sauce do you want with your chicken nuggets?" That was the highlight of my week. If you dont buy wendys for your mission president you are doing it wrong. Here is a good quick laugh: We were walking around at like 8ish one night and we saw this man and he was VERY under the influence and sister west goes "im sister west" and he goes "AND IM DOUG EAST" and throws his fists up in the air rejoicing. Ahh what a good life being a missionary.

Pics: 1. Bobs haircut round 2-- sister west turn now 2. I love missouri!!! 3. Look at the tiger flute player 4. Football gammeeee 5. St louis....... wahooo..... ! 6. Sis hoggan and I love her one day we will be comps even tho she goes home next transfer :( 

Monday, September 2, 2019

Week 65: Please bless the Holy Ghost to be a grateful man & Elaine's BAPTISM :))

THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST HAS BEEN RESTORED. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints truly is Christ's Church on the earth today!!! I love having my testimony strengthened day after day! 15 months and im still loving this mission thing ! Crazy! Wow! 15 months! we had a lesson with a Man from Mexico who speaks 0% english. Sis. Heuston found him on exchanges a few weeks back..... so via google translate we finally set up a time to meet over text. We brought a member to translate and once again i felt like a ***useless potato (at least i looked good). i dont know how we keep stumbling upon people who dont speak english but that is why i was called on an english speaking mission because i was confuzzled. 
ELAINES BAPTISM: SPECIALIST MOMENT EVER. such a spiritual day and i am so blessed to be able to see this sweet woman become clean and follow her Savior. She has changed me and strengthened my testimony more than she will ever know. She had the most tender smile after she came out of the water, i dont know how to explain it, it was like pure relief. We got a text from her last night that said" "I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Smithton Ridge Ward." (I'm practicing😁) " if that isnt the most precious thing i dont know what is.
Had an amazing lesson with them!! Talk all about the Book of Mormon and that this is the ONLY way they will know if what we teach them is true. They are both accepted a new date to be baptized on October 12th !!!! Scottie is literally the coolest human and i love teaching him. Whelp here is a funny quote from a prayer of a cute 4 year old "Please bless the holy ghost can be a grateful man and that jesus will be in the sky and we can have plants and our own beds". All i know is that this boy had it figured out. We can learn much from the youth of the church ;-))
-I love you all
-missouri still makes me sweaty
-happy labor day
-the mosquitos love me
-send me tips on what to do with DRY SKIN and INGROWN FINGERNAILS

Sorrt pics overload 1. Classic pic with Bob our BFF 2. Bri - our lifesaver this week, well every week 3. Olive garden date after a baptism w my cute comp 4. Elaine <3 5. Dab nation #fontfillers 6. I love sis west 7. The gang lolz

She's Home!!