Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Week 50: peace out lincoln land

hi everyone, im leaving IL. i got called as a sister training leader, i am super excited but also lowkey scared because i still am trying to figure out missionary life ;))) but im also super sad to leave my bestest friend Sis V. ...... boy we have had some fun adventures and i just love her to death. she is training a new missionary as well and is going to be the bestest mom. cant wait to be a grandma ;)) not much time to write today because im a hoarder and im trying to pack all my memories and things into suitcases. not my fave pass time. heres a miracle that happened today that ill share because its pretty cool: so we decided to stop at chickfila one last time because thats what we do best. it was approximately 10:41am a little early for chicken but we had to do it for the mems. so my cashier looked at my tag and read it and i told her i was a missionary for my church and she was like that is so cool. then i asked her if she would like to learn more and she said yes! sister van amen came up behind me and Dammy (the cashier) continued to tell us that she had been praying for someone to bring her closer to Christ and here we were. She said "i can see his glory all around you, you are glowing" it was so cool! literally i think i sometimes forget that i am different and i have such a special calling and to other people i may look "different". idk this week i was just so humbled to be the Lord's servant this work is so amazing! i am so sad to leave the springfield 2nd ward. they have big place in my heart and once again i just dont understand how i can love so many people! i love this place and ill be back for sure! lots of love sis folk. ps cant wait to cross the river and be back in the promised land aka MO

Pics 1. Fun hike!  2. Reach your goals = pie ur district leader 3. Artsy tag pic 4. Elder sunderland wearing approved socks?? Unheard of! 5. Cute little girl 6. Sis v my fave 7. IL 8. a young woman sent this to us :D

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