Monday, May 13, 2019

Week 49: To: My Fans

another week gone. it was pretty uneventful, 5/5 appointments canceled so that made for a fun week! but we just kept chugging along because thats what we do best???? we got bible bashed a couple times, told that we need to study up, and then got invited to a Pentecostal church! but ive already been and im not going back. it was a rainy rainy week. i would tell you to 'walk a mile in my shoes' but i already did it for you. multiple miles. and they are still not all the way dry. #lovetherain. talked to my mom on mother's day. she is still the best mom out there. Love u kim. finally were able to have a lesson with Dayshawn and NoraAudrey since their baptism. they have been going through a lot and satan is not giving them a flippin break. but it was so good to see them! we asked Dayshawn what it has been like to have the Holy Ghost and he says "its light when i go outside, i was living in darkness and now i live in the light" gosh im going to miss that family way too much. hope you all enjoy our channel on FB. its been a highlight of my week to make those videos. annafotos is back at it again. thats all from me. over and out. sis folk

pics 1. me and my bff 2. me and sis west my other bff 3. rain 4. bday party 4 elder 5. flooded road

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