Monday, May 27, 2019

Week 51: como couldn't live w/out me

back in COMO. I guess they missed me so im back ;)) im now in the smithton ridge ward and im pumped to be back. there was 2 tornadoes and one was super close to me but dont worry IM FINE! but Jefferson City is destroyed and it is so sad!! Literally just houses torn apart. I am now terrified of tornadoes. But slept through all the tornado sirens 👍👍👍👍👍 good thing it wasnt in como. we helped clean up and it was really hot and humid but mosiah 2:17 amiright. anyway it's memorial day and i dont have a computer or else i would write a novel because i LOVE being back here. we are teaching like 15 ppl and run from place to place like crazy people and the past 5 days have been a blur! STL life is just grand and i have no idea what im doing! My new companion is sis smith from good old layton utah. I look up to her so much. Literally because shes 6'3". But also a spiritual giant. She has been awesome dealing with craziness 😃😃. my new address: 1707 garden dr columbia, MO 65201. anywho love u all, sis folkman

Pics: 1. Tornado clean up crew 2. Maughan fam :,) baby sis v. Miss her lots :(
4-5. Tornado 😓 6. Me n sis smith 😋 7. Me n sis beal 😋

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Week 50: peace out lincoln land

hi everyone, im leaving IL. i got called as a sister training leader, i am super excited but also lowkey scared because i still am trying to figure out missionary life ;))) but im also super sad to leave my bestest friend Sis V. ...... boy we have had some fun adventures and i just love her to death. she is training a new missionary as well and is going to be the bestest mom. cant wait to be a grandma ;)) not much time to write today because im a hoarder and im trying to pack all my memories and things into suitcases. not my fave pass time. heres a miracle that happened today that ill share because its pretty cool: so we decided to stop at chickfila one last time because thats what we do best. it was approximately 10:41am a little early for chicken but we had to do it for the mems. so my cashier looked at my tag and read it and i told her i was a missionary for my church and she was like that is so cool. then i asked her if she would like to learn more and she said yes! sister van amen came up behind me and Dammy (the cashier) continued to tell us that she had been praying for someone to bring her closer to Christ and here we were. She said "i can see his glory all around you, you are glowing" it was so cool! literally i think i sometimes forget that i am different and i have such a special calling and to other people i may look "different". idk this week i was just so humbled to be the Lord's servant this work is so amazing! i am so sad to leave the springfield 2nd ward. they have big place in my heart and once again i just dont understand how i can love so many people! i love this place and ill be back for sure! lots of love sis folk. ps cant wait to cross the river and be back in the promised land aka MO

Pics 1. Fun hike!  2. Reach your goals = pie ur district leader 3. Artsy tag pic 4. Elder sunderland wearing approved socks?? Unheard of! 5. Cute little girl 6. Sis v my fave 7. IL 8. a young woman sent this to us :D

Monday, May 13, 2019

Week 49: To: My Fans

another week gone. it was pretty uneventful, 5/5 appointments canceled so that made for a fun week! but we just kept chugging along because thats what we do best???? we got bible bashed a couple times, told that we need to study up, and then got invited to a Pentecostal church! but ive already been and im not going back. it was a rainy rainy week. i would tell you to 'walk a mile in my shoes' but i already did it for you. multiple miles. and they are still not all the way dry. #lovetherain. talked to my mom on mother's day. she is still the best mom out there. Love u kim. finally were able to have a lesson with Dayshawn and NoraAudrey since their baptism. they have been going through a lot and satan is not giving them a flippin break. but it was so good to see them! we asked Dayshawn what it has been like to have the Holy Ghost and he says "its light when i go outside, i was living in darkness and now i live in the light" gosh im going to miss that family way too much. hope you all enjoy our channel on FB. its been a highlight of my week to make those videos. annafotos is back at it again. thats all from me. over and out. sis folk

pics 1. me and my bff 2. me and sis west my other bff 3. rain 4. bday party 4 elder 5. flooded road

Monday, May 6, 2019

Week 48: ill pet your dog you take my card

hello everyone! what a wonderful week it has been. it rained the first four days of the week ! that was fun. we had a lake in front of our house we played in for exercise time =) but the rain made everything so GREEN and pretty. turns out IL isnt as ugly as i thought it was! we started teaching Kennedy and Anesti, 2 girls the elders in the ward were teaching, we had a pass off lesson with the elders and it went so good! they are on date to be baptized one June 22nd. Kennedy is 15 and Anesti is 11. they just soak it right up and you can tell the spirit is working on them, testifying of the truths we teach them, so that was exciting! my recent convert Kristen from way back in Warrenton when i was just a little baby missionary reached out to me and said she was going through a really rough time. so sis v had the wonderful idea of doing video call lessons. so we asked Pres. Bateman and he approved. It was so cool to be there with the Warrenton sisters and to teach Kristen again. She had lost a little bit of her light and testimony and it was cool to be able to testify to her that she was stronger than she thinks she is. it was literally just so cool! the spirit was so strong. the blessings of technology. Kristen is seeing the light again, i just know it. had a huge family history roots tech event this past weekend w 200 people coming to the church and like half non-members, wahoo! but somehow me and sis v got roped into teaching one on one family history. (i literally know the bare minimum) but we were told it was going to be the basics, so we studied and were sorta prepared. LOL first lady that sits down next to me asks the hardest question and i just said "i have no idea". so i went and got a professional but it was painful to watch these older women (not age racism here) try to enter this information slower than the sloth on zootopia. and after 40 minutes of entering we go back to the tree and it wasnt there. AWESOME. so they restart and i said "i cant enter it if you read it to me" 10 minutes later and we were back in business. so i guess being addicted to technology before my mission wasnt all that bad. (;  cleaned out neighbor's trailer for him.... more like Sis V cleaned cuz i wasnt tall enough to reach anything and i had the worlds awkwardest law of chastity conversation with uncle ray ray. good news is in the end we were walking away and he said "yall ladies are my favorite one" love being the fave. also referring to the subject went street contacting at a park and everyone and there dog was there......literally. so in order to make them talk to us we asked to pet their dog, cuz everyone with a dog loves to show it off. sometimes you gotta go through the pain to get the victory. i petted enough dogs to satisfy me for the rest of my life. 

"im gunna rip your head out"...... 1 hour later "im gunna put my hands around your neck"
i think its safe to say im on Sis V's good side! lots of love, sis folk

Pics: 1. IL isnt ugly anymore 2. got some new glasses plz send me opinions 3-4. swimming in our lake
5. Sis V. cleaning the trailer 6. i never thought i would find a street sign with my name but i did!!!!! just dont look where my fingers are pointing cuz one is pointing at Roosevelt and one is pointing down and the ground #blondelife 7. BRI she drove 4 hours from CoMo to come see me and sis jones last pday!

8-10. misc

She's Home!!