Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Week 34: 1:100

that subject is definitely what they call a ratios folks. what does it stand for? Ill let you decide.
-the weather i was in vs. the weather i wish i was in
-the number of mental breakdowns compared to doors knocked on (pretty good ratio if you ask me)
-the number of new people we found to teach vs. the number of rejections
-the number of fruits and veggies i ate vs. the amount of chocolate i ate.... stress =)
if you are thinking all are correct. you are RIGHT.

we had zone conference this week. always a blessing. and just what i needed to prepare me for the week ahead. President talked about looking forward with an eye of faith. "our foundation of our faith is through his word... its his work, it always has been... turn to the things that will build our faith" . "we are anchored to that which is immovable-the word of God". AND BOY DID I NEED THIS. im not kidding when i say all we did this week was knock on doors, some tracting, trying potentials, some more tracting, trying some formers. the nerd came out in me and i even made this dope poster mapping out our area and where we can conquer. but it was SO frustrating and i was super impatient with the Lord if im being honest (and i might as well be because lying is a sin and i already have to repent enough). anyway nothing was happening. people were not interested in:
1. opening the door (which just if ur trying to ghost someone on ur front porch dont look through the window its pretty obvious.)
2. listening to us
3. being KIND. what happened to nice people in the world. sis dunyon and i are gunna start a rejection hot line. 

okay im done complaining now: but i had to set the scene for what i learned. I LEARNED HOW MUCH MORE I LOVE AND NEED THE SCRIPTURES. i literally could not have made it through this week without the Book of Mormon. it is truly immovable (and helped my faith become that way) and because of that book i stayed sane and truly know how to look forward in faith not fear. then a MIRACLE on the last day. we were tracting last night and the spirit led us to a specific trailer and we knocked on the door and the man didnt even let me finish my sentence and we were able to set a return appointment for tonight. we FINALLY have someone to teach guys :)) Heavenly Father is so aware of his children in Chatham, IL.. myself included. he knew exactly what i needed to experience this week. i trust in His timing and i have re-dedicated myself to be more patient and wait for the blessings. anyway this was more like one of my journal entires hope you enjoyed. happiest last week of january . sis folk💖💖💖 (a growing and pretty mentally stable sister missionary) #knockingondoorsbuildscharacter

Piks: 1. me and elder ferrin (idk why my face is so worried looking, dont worry im fine) 2. Coldness =) 3. worst news ever :(...Where am i supposed to get married now ???? 4. dope poster

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Week 33: 20 and thriving

who remembers when i first started my mission and i said google "dogs cats and trees" and that is what missouri looks like. WELL FOLKS google ".. . . . . " literally google nothing and that is what Illinois looks like. yep its true your favorite sister missionary in the mid west is in Springfield, IL. its flat and cold and literally there is nothing. but i think im really going to grow to love it here. first off, thank you thank you x1000 for all the birthday wishes, its hard celebrating your birthday in a place you moved 2 days before with a person you met 2 days before but i received so many emails and love that day and it really made such a difference so thank you !!!! its such a small world especially now that i am sharing a ward with braxton ferrin aka elder ferrin aka my back door neighbor. so that is FUN. we dont have many people to teach actually none at all currently so i have no updates on that. but we are going to soon enough. there is no better pass time than knocking doors in 16 degree weather !!! but actually i do enjoy it because i know the Lord is preparing people and soon enough, we are going to knock on one of their doors. since it has been really cold i wanted rice bag. but 1. i have no sewing machine to make one 2. i have no fabric. thats okay i grabbed a quality sock and i filled it up with rice and put it in the microwave and it was the best idea ive ever had. i really dont have much else to say so i guess ill try to have a more exciting week next week. “Never stop striving for the best that is within you. Never stop hoping for all of the righteous desires of your heart. But don’t close your eyes and hearts to the simple and elegant beauties of each day’s ordinary moments that make up a rich, well-lived life.” -elder utchdorf . lots of love, sis folk :)) 

pics: Me n my rice sock, Transfers :(((, Birthday fiesta w my new comp sis dunyon, Early bday party with my fave sister eglof, Last day being a teenager, Flatness, more pics


Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Week 32: the BEST holiday of the year+cats+snow =)

hey guys! well ill get the most important item of business out the way-MY BIRTHDAY im turning 20 :( idk how i have gotten this old. pretty sure just yesterday i was riding my heelys home from 6th grade. goodbye to my teenage years. some more sad news... im leaving columbia :( so if you are sending me a really cool birthday card (which is highly encouraged)... send it to 1850 Craigshire Rd. Suite 205 St. Louis, Missouri 63146. i am SO sad to leave this area, i LOVE it and i LOVE the people. but i know its the Lord's will and there are people for me to love elsewhere. plus im a hoarder and i just think it would be easier for me to stay here with all my stuff. here are some good stories: *we went to go see Dave the 77 yr. old vet we are teaching. literally cutest funniest old man ever. anyway when we show up he has his friend over and in my head i said "perfect a new person to teach" boy was i wrong. this guy was not right in the head and kept saying the weirdest things. my new favorite quote to say comes from him "im a different a wont meet anyone like me, well maybe 144,000 like me" soooo he may be Jehovah witness IDK all i know is that i have been saying im a different cat all week. *went to visit my fave Ann, a less active we visit every sunday. she showed me a pictured she colored of this mouth with teeth and arms and legs and she goes "this reminds me of you" and i said "wow thanks how come" and she goes "because you have a big mouth" WELL at least im being myself right? YIKES love her hahaha. *THE SNOW. SO MUCH. like 16 inches in a day and a half. ive never seen that much snow come so fast in my LIFE. literally it was crazy. so anyway all day saturday we were grounded aka we couldnt drive and so it was the LONGEST day of my LIFE. shoveled some neighbors driveway..... broke my body. no big deal. made me really appreciate going out and doing work the next day. except they also canceled church at that was #depressing. record breaking snow fall though.... put me in the Guinness book of world records please i was apart of it. MIRACLE: *kerri the lady we found when i first got here and we have been working with, has finally accepted a baptism date for march 6th!!!!! i am so sad i am leaving and wont be able to teach her and her family anymore but it has been so cool to see all the little miracles that have happened to get her to this point. God is good. SPIRITUAL THOUGHT: 1 Nephi 14:14- as i was reading the BOM this week i came across this verse "And it came to pass that I Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory." I LOVE this. covenant people of the Lord are everywhere. shou tout to my girl Liv Archibald she about to go share this amazing gospel with the people of Mongolia. so literally everywhere. and we are all armed with righteousness and the power of God. it does not get better than this people. I LOVE THE SCRIPTURES. we have the power of God to do ANYTHING he needs us to accomplish. okay this is a novel. happy birthday to myself (best holiday guys dont forget to celebrate wherever you are). all my love + some more. sis folk.

Pics: 1. 
Sis wall aka my LIFE  2. Kate's street! 3/4. Professional shoveler 5/6. Exhibit A of a lot of snow 7. Good thing im an expert driver. I can defs drive in snow. Im such a good driver when there isnt snow. Dont worry about me 8-14. random pics 

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Week 31: if you dont read my emails, LOOK AT THE PICTURE

hey folks its me again. a pant wearing sister missionary. someone must have turned up the heat in missouri cuz one day it was 19 degrees, and yesterday it was 65 and i was THRIVING. too bad i didnt have my avalon pool to tan by because im pretty sure the UV index was off the charts. this is the last week of the transfer and i AM PRAYING im staying. learned a lot this week. 1. STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE. had a lesson with a very interesting lady who basically told us that our hearts deceive us and we need facts to back up our testimonies... but the joke was on her because the spirit manifested to me so strongly the things that i believe. i know this church is SO true and that bom is SO true and so amazing. it has been my strength the past 7 months and the answers to all my prayers. so me and sis shaff literally ran out of the apartment building and dropped this women and we felt much better. 2. YOU ARE LOVED AND YOU ARE IMPORTANT. i have talked to a couple different people since being here and they dont value their life and they dont see the importance of it. its one of my favorite parts of being a missionary. being able to tell these people that their life is important and Heavenly Father and their Savior love them. and YOU. but i just know how true it is, because i have felt the power and love through my calling. LOVE IT. all my love plus some more sis folk

Pics: 1. TROPHY PRIZE. we may have been 3 minutes late to ward council but it was worth it because a SLEEPING DEER. Who knew deer sleep with their eyes open? Not me. 2. PANT GANG. cant do that in a dress. 3. new years eve by myself #martinellis wahoo

She's Home!!